Azure Managed Identities provide an identity for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Azure AD authentication. In this blog, we will walk through the steps to create a User Managed Identity and assign it to an Azure Function App using a PowerShell script.
User Managed Identities (UMIs) in Azure are useful for managing and controlling the authentication of your Azure resources without needing to manage credentials explicitly. By assigning a UMI to your Azure Function App, you can securely access other Azure resources such as Azure Key Vault, Azure Storage, and more.
Use Cases
- Securely Access Resources: Use UMIs to securely access Azure services without hardcoding credentials.
- Automate Identity Assignment: Simplify identity management in CI/CD pipelines.
- Improve Security: Reduce the risk of credential leakage by using managed identities.
Steps to Assign a User Managed Identity to an Azure Function App
Create a User Managed Identity
- In the Azure portal, navigate to the "Managed identities" service.
- Click on "Create" and provide the necessary details such as the resource group and name for the managed identity.
- Click "Review + create" and then "Create".
Get the User Managed Identity Resource ID
- Once the managed identity is created, go to its overview page.
- Copy the Name of the Managed Identity; you will need this to assign the identity to your Function App.
Assign the User-Managed Identity to the Function App:
- Ensure you have the Azure CLI installed and you are authenticated to your Azure subscription. You can download and install the Azure CLI from here.
az login
- Use the provided PowerShell script to assign the user-managed identity to your Function App.
#Function to deploy Assign-SystemManagedIdentityFunctionApp
Function Assign-UserManagedIdentityFunctionApp {
#Parameters - FunctionAppName, ResourceGroupName, SubscriptionId, Slot, UserManagedIdentity
param (
#FunctionApp Name
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
#ResourceGroup Name
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
#Subscription Id
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Write-Host "##[debug] -----Starting Assign-SystemManagedIdentityFunctionApp-----" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "##[command] Parameters" -ForegroundColor Yellow
"_" * 10
# Get the command name
$CommandName = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName;
# Get the list of parameters for the command
$ParameterList = (Get-Command -Name $CommandName).Parameters;
# Grab each parameter value, using Get-Variable
foreach ($Parameter in $ParameterList) {
Get-Variable -Name $Parameter.Values.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
#Get-Variable -Name $ParameterList;
#Set Subscription
Write-Host "Setting Subscription"
az account set -s $SubscriptionId
try {
Write-Host "Getting UsermanagedIdentity ResourceID"
$ManagedId = az resource list -g $ResourceGroupName -n $UserManagedIdentity --query [].id -o tsv
Write-Host $ManagedId
Write-Host "Assigning System Managed Identity for functionapp:$FunctionAppName"
az webapp identity assign -g $ResourceGroupName -n $FunctionAppName --identities $ManagedId
Write-Host "##[debug] -----Completed Assign-SystemManagedIdentityFunctionApp-----" -ForegroundColor Cyan
catch [Exception] {
write-host $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "`nError in Line: " $_.InvocationInfo.Line
Write-Host "`nError in Line Number: "$_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
Write-Host "`nError Item Name: "$_.Exception.ItemName
throw $_.Exception.Message
Assign-UserManagedIdentityFunctionApp -FunctionAppName "samplefunc-rg" -ResourceGroupName "sample-rg" -SubscriptionId "6ba2dfac-" -UserManagedIdentity "my-usermanaged-identity"
This will Output
Validate in Azure Function App
- Go to Azure Portal -> Function App -> Identity
- Go to User assigned and Validate whether Identity is assigned or not
By following these steps and using the provided PowerShell script, you can efficiently assign a User Managed Identity to your Azure Function App. This enables secure and managed access to other Azure resources, enhancing your application's security and simplifying identity management.