Apply active CSS on Menus on Master Pages


Apply active CSS on menus on Master Pages from code behind without javascript.
In our web applications
We face problems when using a Master Page. How to set the class for the active tab?
Here we can set active class
  1. <ul>  
  2.     <li id="page1" runat="server" >  
  3.         <a href="studentHomePage.aspx"> Dashboard    </a>  
  4.     </li>  
  5.     <li id="page2"  runat="server">  
  6.         <a href="Mytest.aspx">   My Test</a>  
  7.     </li>  
  8.     <li id="page3"  runat="server">  
  9.         <a href="TestReport.aspx">Test Report</a>  
  10.     </li>  
  11.     <li id="page4"  runat="server">  
  12.         <a href="Subscription_New.aspx">Subscribe</a>  
  13.     </li>  
  14. </ul>    
Code Bheind
  1. page_load {  
  2.   String activepage= Request.RawUrl;if(activepage .Contains("studentHomePage.aspx")){page1.Attributes("class") = "active";  
  3. }  
  4. else if(activepageactivepage .Contains("Mytest.aspx")) {  
  5.   page2.Attributes("class") = "active";  
  6. }  
  7. else if( activepage.Contains("TestReport.aspx") ) {  
  8.   page3.Attributes("class") = "active";  
  9. }  
  10. else if( activepage.Contains("Subscription_New.aspx")) {  
  11.   page4.Attributes("class") = "active";  
  12. }}  
Screen Shots
Tab 1
screen shots
Tab 2
Ebook Download
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