Application Ideas For Beginner, Intermediate And Advanced Using Blazor


This is one of the questions I often get, which project to code to improve those web development skills? I must admit that I'm always a bit caught off guard, and I'm never sure what to answer. So, I always answer a bit the same: a to-do list?

This time, I sat down and thought about it. In this blog, we will build a series of lessons built around the app-ideas project.

app-ideas is a project by Florin Pop that provides a list of great apps to build and can be used in tutorials for new languages and technologies. Each app idea describes the problem being solved, the user stories to support the app, possible bonus features, links to resources, and example implementations.

Tech Stack 

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • .NET 6
  • Blazor WebAssembly
  • MudBlazor ( Blazor Component Library )

Application's Home page

Application's Home page

Related applications ideas articles :

This blog will be updated each time a new application is added.

Live preview: coming soon!

The source code for these lessons is available on the following repository GitHub.

This is an open-source project, and contributors are what makes such a project with rich features to learn, inspire, and motivate. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. Fork the Projeto to add a new application.

Happy Documenting!

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