Angular Console UI For Developers

Nowadays, most developers like to use Angular CLI. But sometimes it's a pain typing the commands for running, testing and deploying code in the command prompt. Now  these things aren’t necessary because the Angular console UI tool increases our productivity.

You can download this Angular console UI tool from this Link. It will support Windows & Mac OS.

Once you've installed a tool, you can see it looks like this:

Angular Console UI For Developer 

If you try to create an Angular application, you have to select directory and workspace for the project.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

After entering a create button, it will automatically create an application.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

Once you've completed the project it will list the project menu with simple buttons & tabs.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

It will be easy to run or build your Angular code. You can generate code for anything like component, directive, etc.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

Simply, I have created a component & I can start to modify immediately from VS Code.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

This tool has an inbuilt library on the Extension tab to add on to our project.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

You can select and install the extension just with one click.

Angular Console UI For Developer 

Currently Angular provides beta tools. We know about these powerful CLI tool advantages. So, we can expect more features with the future releases.

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