Android App Rollout/Unpublish On Google Play Console

When Google play store reviews the changes and is approved by Google review team, App changes are moved into “Publishing overview” section (In case if this section is enabled in Google Play console by developer) for production rollout.

Now we can manually decide when we want to release changes on production. Whenever we release the app from “Publishing overview” section we get below confirmation popup which clearly states that changes cannot be reverted.

Android App Rollout Unpublished on Google Play Console

Here we have only one option in case we want to revert build i.e. we need to create and publish a new release with a consecutive versionCode which is having previous build code. This process is same for iOS and Android Apps.

In Android, there is one more concept where we can unpublish app but as per this option when you unpublish an app, existing users can still use your app and receive app updates until they completely uninstall it from their device. Unpublished app won’t be available for new users to find and download on Google Play. Below is the screenshot for reference.

Android App Rollout Unpublished on Google Play Console

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