Aliastype is one of the new features from C# 12. In this blog, you will learn how to use this alias feature for the tuple type in C#.
Alias for Tuple
Before C# 12, we can use the aliases for namespaces and named types like delegated, classes, interfaces, and structs. With C# 12, you can use the alias name for int, string, and many more types. Let’s see how to use the alias for the tuple.
Since C# 12 is in preview, enable it from the project file by adding the LangVersion property, as shown in the below figure.
![Alias for Tuple type]()
You can define an alias for the tuple as given below,
using point3D = (int, int, int);
public void TestAlias() {
point3D point3D = (1, 2, 3);
Console.WriteLine($"{point3D.Item1}, {point3D.Item2},{point3D.Item3}");
Next level, you can also define an alias for each item instead of Item1, Item2, and Item3 and give below.
using point3D = (int x, int y, int z);
public void TestAlias() {
point3D point3D = (1, 2, 3);
We have seen how to use one of the cool features of C# 12, an alias of any type, with an example of defining an alias for the tuple type. We will see more on the C# 12 feature in my next blog.