Create an attachment in Dynamics 365 CE from the stream, which will be available in the MultipartContent response.
Let’s say we are getting MultipartContent in HttpResponse. This response contains a stream that we want to use to create and attach a pdf file in notes. We can use the following code.
if (httReqresponse != null && httReqresponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var multipartContent = await httReqresponse.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(); if (multipartContent != null && multipartContent.Contents.Count > 1) { HttpContent secondPart = multipartContent.Contents[1]; var streamContent = await secondPart.ReadAsStreamAsync(); byte[] bytesArrary; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { streamContent.CopyTo(ms); bytesArrary= ms.ToArray(); } Entity notes = new Entity("annotation"); notes["objectid"] = new EntityReference("<<Parenentitylookupname>>", <<guid>>); notes["objecttypecode"] = "<<Name of parent entity>>"; notes["subject"] = "Notes Subject"; notes["documentbody"] = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesArrary); //set mimetpe notes["mimetype"] = @"application/pdf"; notes["filename"] = "FileName.pdf"; service.Create(notes); } } }
The code first checks if the HTTP response is not null and if the response status code indicates success. The response content is expected to be in a multipart format, which we are reading asynchronously. Once we have content, we can read the stream and create notes attachments.
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