This article demonstrates how to create an Expandable ListView of items in Xamarin.Forms application. If the user clicks on a product, that product expands and shows items. Then, the user clicks on the same product twice and it will be hidden.
Let's start.
Step 1
Create a new Xamarin.Forms app by going to File >> New -->> Visual C# >> Cross Platform >> Cross Platform App (Xamarin.Native or Xamarin.Forms), give the application name, and press OK.
(Project Name: ExpendableListView)
Step 2
Open Solution Explorer >> ExpendableLIstView (PCL) >> right click and select "New Item".In the popup window, select Cross Platform >>Class.
This way, you can add a new class. Create a new Class named MainListView.cs, double-click to get into its design view, and insert the code given below.
CS code
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
- using System.Text;
- namespace ExpendableListView
- {
- public class MainListView
- {
- private Product _oldProduct;
- public ObservableCollection<Product> Products { get; set; }
- public MainListView()
- {
- Products = new ObservableCollection<Product>
- {
- new Product
- {
- Title = "Microsoft Surface",
- Isvisible =false
- },
- new Product
- {
- Title = "Microsoft Lumia 535",
- Isvisible = false
- },
- new Product
- {
- Title = "Microsoft 650",
- Isvisible = false
- },
- new Product
- {
- Title = "Lenovo Surface",
- Isvisible = false
- },
- new Product
- {
- Title = "Microsoft edge",
- Isvisible = false
- }
- };
- }
- public void ShoworHiddenProducts(Product product)
- {
- if(_oldProduct == product)
- {
- product.Isvisible = !product.Isvisible;
- UpDateProducts(product);
- }
- else
- {
- if (_oldProduct != null)
- {
- _oldProduct.Isvisible = false;
- UpDateProducts(_oldProduct);
- }
- product.Isvisible = true;
- UpDateProducts(product);
- }
- _oldProduct = product;
- }
- private void UpDateProducts(Product product)
- {
- var Index = Products.IndexOf(product);
- Products.Remove(product);
- Products.Insert(Index, product);
- }
- }
- }
Step 3
Similarly, create another class named Product.cs and add the following code.
CS code
- namespace ExpandableListView
- {
- public class Product
- {
- public string Title{ get; set; }
- public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
- }
- }
Step 4
Afterwards, open MainPage.Xaml page.For that, go to Solution Explorer >> ExpendableListView(PCL) >> MainPage.Xaml and click open MainPage page design view.Here is the code.
Xaml code
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <ContentPage xmlns=""
- xmlns:x=""
- xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ExpendableListView"
- x:Class="ExpendableListView.MainPage"
- Title ="Expendable ListView "
- BackgroundColor="Bisque">
- <ContentPage.BindingContext>
- <local:MainListView/>
- </ContentPage.BindingContext>
- <ListView Margin="0,80"
- ItemTapped="ListViewItem_Tabbed"
- ItemsSource="{Binding Products}"
- HasUnevenRows="True"
- BackgroundColor="Black">
- <ListView.ItemTemplate>
- <DataTemplate>
- <ViewCell>
- <StackLayout Padding="20">
- <Label Text="{Binding Title}"
- FontSize="25"
- TextColor="Azure"/>
- <StackLayout IsVisible="{Binding Isvisible}"
- Orientation="Horizontal"
- Margin="0,0,80,0">
- <Button Text="Place Order"
- WidthRequest="110"
- FontSize="15"
- BackgroundColor="Chocolate"
- TextColor="White"/>
- <Button Text="Details"
- WidthRequest="110"
- FontSize="15"
- BackgroundColor="CornflowerBlue"
- TextColor="DarkBlue"/>
- <Button Text="Edit"
- WidthRequest="110"
- FontSize="15"
- BackgroundColor="LightCoral"
- TextColor="Maroon"/>
- </StackLayout>
- </StackLayout>
- </ViewCell>
- </DataTemplate>
- </ListView.ItemTemplate>
- </ListView>
- </ContentPage>
Step 5
Now, open Solution Explorer >>ExpendableListView(PCL) >>open MainPage.xaml.cs page. Here is the code for this page.
CS code
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using Xamarin.Forms;
- namespace ExpendableListView
- {
- public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
- {
- public MainPage()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- private void ListViewItem_Tabbed(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e)
- {
- var product = e.Item as Product;
- var vm = BindingContext as MainListView;
- vm?.ShoworHiddenProducts(product);
- }
- }
- }
Step 6
Click "F5" or "Build " to "Run" your application.Running your project, you will have the result like below.
Finally, we have successfully created a Xamarin.Forms Hierarchical Navigation Application.