Workweek Date Calculation for Start, End, and Due Dates


If you're building a Time Sheet App in PowerApps and must display the working weekday start and end dates based on a week's selection, this article will help you.

Follow the below steps to display the start date and end date

Step 1. Add dropdown for week selection

Add a dropdown, select its Items property, and add the formula below to display numbers from 0 up to 53.


Select the items property of this dropdown

Step 2. Set start date for Monday

To add a date picker control for the working week start date and show the Monday's date of the selected week, first select the DefaultDate property of the date picker control and add the code below.

    drpWeekNo.Selected.Value = 0,
            year: Year(Today()),// Get the current year           
            weekNo: drpWeekNo.Selected.Value //Get the select week number
        Date(year,1,1) + ((weekNo - 1) * 7 - Weekday(Date(year,1,1)) + 2) //Get Week Start Date

Add date picker control

Step 3. Set the end date for Friday

To add a date picker control for the working week start date and show the Friday’s date of the selected week, first select the DefaultDate property of the date picker control and add the code below.

    drpWeekNo.Selected.Value = 0,
        year: Year(Today()), // Get the current year
        weekNo: drpWeekNo.Selected.Value //Get the select week number
    Date(year, 1, 1) + ((weekNo - 1) * 7 - Weekday(Date(year, 1, 1)) + 2 + 4) //Get Week End Date


With this article, you can easily calculate the working week's start date (Monday date) and end date (Friday date) based on the selected week.

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