During certain scenarios, we must build a custom HTML to show data from Dynamics CRM as per customer requirements. As an example, a separate tab was shown on contact form to show selected contact’s Account Address details in the below use case.
Step 1
Login to the required environment and select the required solution [Contact Customizations Solution in this case] as shown in the below figure.
![Html Webresource in Dynamics CRM]()
Figure 1
Step 2
After Step 1, create a Webresource of type HTML and upload an empty HTML as shown in the below figure.
![Html Webresource in Dynamics CRM]()
Figure 2
Step 3
After Step 2, open HTML and write the below code
<script src="ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad() {
var contactGUID ="{","").replace("}","");;
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("contact", contactGUID, "?$select=fullname&$expand=account_primary_contact($select=address1_line1)").then(
function success(result) {
console.log("Retrieved values of Account : Address: " + result.account_primary_contact[0].address1_line1);
document.getElementById("contactpara").innerHTML = "Retrieved values of Account : Address: "+result.account_primary_contact[0].address1_line1;
// perform operations on record retrieval
function (error) {
// handle error conditions
<body onload="onLoad()">
This is a Html Web resource<br>
<p id="contactpara"></p>
as shown in the below figure.
![Html Webresource in Dynamics CRM]()
Figure 3
Step 4
After Step 3, go to the contact form and create a tab and section and in that add this Webresource save it and publish it as shown in the below figure
![Html Webresource in Dynamics CRM]()
Figure 4
Step 5
After Step 4, open any contact record and select Custom Html Tab and observe Selected contact related Account Address information displayed in contact record as shown in the below figure.
![Html Webresource in Dynamics CRM]()
Figure 5
- Make sure to publish all customizations and upload HTML file.
- Make sure to include ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx script otherwise you get an issue with parent.xrm object in code.
In this way, one can easily use HTML as a Webresource to show contact related information in custom way other than using Forms.