Working With Azure Container Registry


We can use Docker to containerize our application and keep it in the Docker Registry. In the target environment, we pull the container image and run the image as a container. You can push your container image to a private Docker Registry if you intend to make the image publicly available for any user to pull and use. You can also create a private Docker Registry and keep your image in it. In the case of a private Registry, you can keep tabs on who can access the container image stored in it. You explicitly provide access to users who can pull and use the image from your private Docker Registry.

Azure Container Registry is a private Container Registry on the Azure Platform. You can containerize your application and push it to the Azure Container Registry. Container-based services like Azure Container Instance, Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure Service Fabric can pull the image and run it. You can also pull the image from anywhere outside the Azure platform like on-premises or other vendor clouds and run it. The images stored in Azure Container Registry are not publicly available and you must give explicit permission to users who should be pulling and using them.

Creating an Azure Container Registry

Open Azure Portal and click on Create a resource.

Create a resource

All the Container-based offerings are listed in the Containers section. Click on Containers and then click on Container Registry.

Containers section

Provide the name of the Azure Subscription where you need to create the Azure Container Registry, Resource Group Name, Container Registry name, Region where your Container Registry would get created, and the SKU. Click on Review Create.

Azure Subscription

Click on Create.


Once the Container Registry gets created click on Go to resource. You will get navigated to the newly created Azure Container Registry.

Azure Container Registry

You can click on the Repositories to see the Container images you have pushed to it. As of now, we do not have any Container images. In the next article, we will containerize a .NET Core application and push it to this Container Registry.



In this article, we learned how to create an Azure Container Registry. In the next article, we will containerize a .NET Core application, and push it to Azure Container Registry.

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