Windows Shortcut keys for Working in Android Studio

In Android development, to work in a fast and efficient way and to develop an app at the right time to know some of the keyboard shortcuts is mandatory. Some keyboard shortcuts are similar to other tools, and major keys differ, like debugging, running the solution, function definitions, etc. Those keys are explained here.

To run the code without debugging, the key below can be used in Android Studio.

Shift + F10

To debug the app,

Shift + F9

While righting the code, auto suggestions are shown by pressing the keys below.

ALT + Enter

Function, parameter, define a class, predefine class declaration or details below option can be used.

CTRL + B or CTRL + click

To get Quick Documentation and to Override, a function below Key is used.

CTRL + Q   

To edit a Code at the same time with Multiple Cursors Sequentially below key will be used,


To go back to edit a line or locate Android Studio.

CTRL + SHIFT + Backspace

To Find a Matching keyword or variable or predefine class

CTRL + Shift + ALT + J

For editing multiple Cursors

ALT + drag with left mouse click

To command the Coding lines.

CTRL + /

Auto Formatting the Code.


To view a recently used file.


To step over in debugging and Evaluate Expressions While Debugging.

ALT + F8

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