Why Process Model is Important for the Modern Software Development?


Software Process Model Articles Series,

  1. What is Software Development Life Cycle
  2. Waterfall Model Used In Software Development
  3. Iterative Model Used In Software Development
  4. Spiral Model Used In Software Development
  5. V-Model Used In Software Development
  6. Big-Bang Model Used In Software Development
  7. Agile Model Used In Software Development
  8. RAD Model Used In Software Development
  9. Software Prototype Used In Software Development
  10. Why the software process Model is important.

Here we are discussing some important points in which we identify why the software process model is important for software development.

Efficient Software Development

Software process models provide an efficient software development environment in which different team members work on different tasks that are mentioned in software documentation. Modern software products are faster and more efficient because they were built using certain engineered techniques these techniques and by using software process models.

  • The software process model provides incremental and iterative development for a software project.
  • Software Process

An effective way of requirements elicitation

The software process model provides an effective way of software requirement elicitation and elicitation techniques. Software requirement elicitation is a very important phase of the software development process or simply the Software development life cycle (SDLC). This phase is used to translate the unclear and incomplete idea of the customer into complete, precise, and formal specifications. This document is very must important and act as a bridge between the Customer, User, and Developers. Therefore, the importance of software requirement engineering is very much important for the development of effective and efficient software products.

  • Software requirement elicitation is the basis of every software product.
  • Software requirement elicitation identifies the Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of the system.
  • Software requirement elicitation identifies the business requirement of the system.

Effective Way of Requirements Management

The software process model provides an effective way of requirement management. Requirement management is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, and reviewing and then agreeing on the valid requirements and then applying the requirement change process and communicating to all relevant stakeholders requirement change process in which users can change the requirement technology can change the requirement environment can change the requirement (Here we have requirement baseline which has two parts correct baseline and review baseline) Requirement baseline is the process in which when we do work on iteration and that step we work on the set of approved requirement that makes requirement baseline.

The requirement baseline provides ease in changing the requirement.

Why set a requirement baseline?

The requirement baseline specifies the set of requirements approved by all the stakeholders for the specification iteration. It evaluates the impact of change on the system. The reflects change throughout the requirement process.

Importance of requirement management

The importance of requirement management is to ensure that an organization's document verifies and validate the requirement and expectations of its customers and all stakeholders. Requirement management begins with analysis and elicitation of the objectives and constraints of the organization.

  • The requirement management process supports the traceability of the requirements, which is very important to meet customer expectations.
  • The traceability also supports the requirement change process.
  • The requirement management process includes planning for requirements, integrating requirements, and organizing for working with them.
  • Requirement management involves communication between the project team and stakeholders of a software project.

Provides Incremental and Iterative Development Environment

Software process models provide an iterative and Incremental development environment. We divide the whole project into modules and design and development the whole project concerning customer requirements. This process increases the efficiency of the project and reduces the workload of development teams.

Provides Testing Environment

The software process model provides the testing environment throughout the project life cycle. Some of the testing techniques we do in the development period are given below.

Module testing

Unit testing is associated with the testing of modules. In module testing, we will test each module and ensure that every module and check whether the functionalities work properly in the way that we want. We create a separate and small testing procedure for every single module and tried to test each module of the application separately. Testing is done on the module level by dividing the module into chunks and checking the quality of the module separately. The following module is being tested under the umbrella of Module testing.


  • Accounts Module
  • Manage Account Module
  • Manage Contact Module
  • Add to Cart Module
  • Online Billing Module

Integration testing

Integration testing is associated with Architectural design. After we test each module separately, then we tried the fundamental principle of integration testing in which we combine individual units are combined and tested as a group to identify the faults and bugs because of integration testing. We used test drivers and test stubs to identify the faults and bugs in the group of units and clarify how individual units interact with each other and work as expected.

System Testing

System testing is directly associated with the system design phase. After Integration testing then, we tried the fundamental principle of system testing, in which we test complete software systems. The purpose of this testing is to evaluate the compliance of the software product with the given software requirements.

Acceptance testing

Acceptance testing is directly associated with the requirement analysis phase. After Integration testing then, we tried the fundamental principle of acceptance testing, in which we test the system for acceptability and test the complete software system. The purpose of this testing is to evaluate the compliance of the software product with the given business requirements and assess whether this system or product is acceptable for delivery.

Effective Way of Communication

In Software development, the way of communication is very important for efficient software development. The software process model provides an effective and efficient way of communication channel between the customer and the development team Interaction in software development is the backbone of the agile methodology. Open communication and less documentation is the best and typical feature of agile development.

Customer Collaborations

In software development, the requirements are very important for the development of the software product to gather complete, clear, and rich requirements for software to interact with customers.

Quality Product

Modern software products are quality products because they were built using certain formal techniques during the development phase production house follows the software process models and test each step again and again to improve the quality of the product.

Effective Planning

Life Critical systems need more effective and efficient planning to complete the software product. In this situation, software process models give us a way of planning to complete such types of software systems.

Reduce Workload

The modern software product is used to reduce the workload of a company, and some origination needs software systems because they want the exact statistics of customers, and if the software product failed to satisfy the needs of customers, then this type of software development is worse because this process had not used the software process models and leads to business failure.

Provide Effective Logic

Software process models create new logic for problem-solving based on open-ended programming environments for the high computer system.

Guides the software development teams to make new methodologies for the development and construction of software products.

Flexible Supportive Development Environment

Software process models provide a flexible and supportive development environment.

Using Software process models, every organization can run more than one task at a time.

Predictive approach

In the Predictive approach, the development of the software product only depends on the requirements and analysis that’s done at the beginning of the software.

Adaptive Approach

But in the Adaptive Approach to software development, there is no need for detailed planning is required. But we focus on the clarity of the features that we want to develop. There are feature development planning and product requirement changes dynamically. The product is tested repeatedly in the iteration, so in the end, a quality product is produced.

Customer Interaction

Interaction in software development is the backbone of the software model’s methodology open communication is the best and typical feature of the software process model in software development.


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