What Is Process And Process Template In Visual Studio Team Services

In my previous article, we have selected Agile Process Template in the 'Organizing Work Using' section for managing our project work. Today we will learn what those Work Processes and Process Templates are.

What is Process

A process means building objects of the work item tracking system, which can be the inheritance process model for VSTS. This model also supports customization of projects using a user interface.

What is Process Template

In VSTS we have three default processes and process templates — Agile, CMMI, and Scrum.

A process template can be accessed through VSTS or an on-premises Team Foundation Server (TFS). It supports Hosted XML and On-premises XML process models. We can customize projects through the modification and import of XML definition files.
Anytime you create an organization or project, you must choose a process or process template based on the process model you use. 
Here, you can see that when we create an organization, It asks to select 'Organize work using' 

Here, you can see that when we create a new Project, It also asks for selecting 'Work Item Process'


This is a default template and this Template is built around Agile Methods and Principles.

It has planning methods, including Scrum, and you can tracks development and test activities separately. This method works nicely in the event that you need to track user stories and (alternatively) bugs on the Kanban board.

In projects there is a big chunk of work that has one common objective called Epic, that can be further divided into small sets of work called Feature.

Big Feature further divides into small sets of works called user stories and Stories has a task that can be managed in different Agile sprint ceremonies and be planned in the Backlog.

In this template product backlog items (PBIs) are called user stories and impediments are called issues. In VSTS you can manage and plan bugs and its tasks.


In the same way if your team is following Scrum, for managing tasks you can choose Scrum Process Templates.

The Scrum process template characterizes work item types for Epic, Feature, Product Backlog Item, Bug, Task, Impediment, Test Case, Shared (Test) Steps, Code Review Request/Response, and Feedback Request/Response.


In the same way, CMMI template is designed to facilitate an organization's practice of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3. It extends the Agile template with more formal planning, more documentation, and work products, and time tracking. Using this process you can track backlog items like requirements, change requests, tasks, bugs, risks, and reviews. All the templates have reports, backlog overview, release burndown, sprint burndown, and velocity. I hope you like this article. In my next article, we will explore all 3 templates in detail and with practical data.



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