What is Kapsule Framework?


Kapsule is a lightweight JavaScript library that enables the creation of reusable components with encapsulated state and lifecycle management. It provides a simple and intuitive API for building modular and composable components. In this article, we will explore the basics of Kapsule and demonstrate its usage with a practical example.

What is Kapsule?

Kapsule is a micro-library that helps in creating encapsulated components using the concept of props, state, and lifecycle methods. It promotes a functional and declarative approach to building UI components, making them easier to understand, test, and maintain.

Getting Started with Kapsule

To get started with Kapsule, you need to include the Kapsule library in your HTML file. You can either download the library or use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to include it in your project. In this example, we'll use the CDN approach.

<script src="//unpkg.com/kapsule"></script>

Example. ColoredText Component

Let's walk through an example of creating a ColoredText component using Kapsule. The component accepts two props: color and text. It renders a colored text span based on the provided props.

<script src="//unpkg.com/kapsule"></script>


  // Define component
  const ColoredText = Kapsule({
    props: {
      color: { default: 'red' },
      text: {}
    init(domElement, state) {
      state.elem = document.createElement('span');
    update(state, changedProps) {
      state.elem.style.color = state.color;
      state.elem.textContent = state.text;

  // Instantiate
  const myText = ColoredText();

  // Render

  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 2000);


  1. We define the ColoredText component using Kapsule by specifying the props, init function, and update function. The init function is responsible for initializing the component and creating the DOM element, while the update function handles updates to the component based on changed props.

  2. We instantiate an instance of the ColoredText component using ColoredText(). This creates a new instance of the component.

  3. We call the instance document.body to attach it to the HTML body element. This initializes the component and appends the DOM element to the body.

  4. We use method chaining to set the color and text props of the component and update its rendering. The component now displays a blue-colored text with the content "foo".

  5. After a delay of 2 seconds, we update the color and text props again using method chaining. This triggers the update function, and the component now displays an orange-colored text with the content "bar".


In this article, we explored the basics of Kapsule and learned how to create a simple component using props, state, and lifecycle methods. Kapsule provides an elegant and lightweight solution for building reusable components with encapsulated logic and clear separation of concerns. It promotes a functional and declarative programming style, making reasoning and maintaining your UI components easier. Give Kapsule a try and experience its simplicity and power in building modular and composable components for your projects.

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