What Is GraphQL And How It Is Used


GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs that Facebook developed. It allows clients to request only the data they need from a server and provides a more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional RESTful APIs.

How to use GraphQL

To use GraphQL, you first need to define a schema that describes the types of data available on your server and the queries and mutations that can be performed on that data. Once you have defined your schema, clients can use it to construct queries that specify exactly what data they need and receive a response from the server that contains only that data.

To interact with a GraphQL API, you can use a variety of client libraries in different programming languages, such as Apollo, Relay, or graphql-request. These libraries provide a simple way to construct and send GraphQL queries to a server and to process the response data in your application.

How to Implement GraphQL

To implement GraphQL, you can follow these basic steps:

Define your GraphQL schema

This involves specifying the types of data available on your server and the queries and mutations that can be performed on that data. You can define your schema using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) or a code-first approach in your programming language.

Implement your resolvers

Resolvers are functions that provide the data for the fields in your schema. You must write resolver functions for each field in your schema, which fetch the data from your backend services and return it to the client.

Set up your GraphQL server

You can set up a GraphQL server using a variety of libraries and frameworks, such as Apollo Server, Express-GraphQL, or graphql-yoga. These tools provide a simple way to integrate your schema and resolvers into a server that can handle incoming GraphQL requests.

Connect to your backend services

To provide data to your resolvers, you will need to connect to your backend services, such as databases or REST APIs. You can use various tools to help with this integration, such as GraphQL data sources or the Apollo Federation.

Test your GraphQL API

Once your server is set up, and your resolvers are implemented, you can test your GraphQL API using tools like GraphQL Playground, GraphiQL, or Postman.

Overall, implementing GraphQL involves designing a schema that defines the structure of your API, implementing resolvers that provide the data for that schema, and setting up a server that can handle GraphQL requests and return the requested data.

GraphQL Schema with Example

A GraphQL schema defines the types of data available in a GraphQL API and the queries and mutations that can be performed on that data. Here's an example of a simple GraphQL schema:

type Book {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  author: String!
  publicationYear: Int!

type Query {
  books: [Book!]!
  book(id: ID!): Book!

In this example, the schema defines a Book type with four fields: id, title, author, and publicationYear. The id field is of type ID!, which means it is a unique identifier for the book. The title and author fields are of type String!, which means they are non-nullable strings that must have a value. The publicationYear field is of type Int!, which means it is a non-nullable integer.

The schema also defines a Query type with two fields: books and book. The books field returns a list of Book objects, while the book field takes an id argument and returns a single Book object with a matching ID.

Overall, this schema defines the structure of a simple book library API with a Book type and two queries that allow clients to retrieve books from the API.

GraphQL Query with Example

A GraphQL query requests data that conforms to the structure defined in a GraphQL schema. Here's an example of a simple GraphQL query:

query {
  books {

In this example, the query is asking for a list of books, and for each book, it wants to retrieve the id, title, author, and publicationYear fields. The query is structured to match the fields defined in the schema.

When this query is sent to a GraphQL API server, the server will use the schema to determine how to retrieve the requested data. The server will execute the query and return the results in the format specified by the client.

Overall, GraphQL queries allow clients to request exactly the data they need, and nothing more, in a format that the client specifies rather than the server. This makes it possible to optimize the performance and efficiency of API requests and enables more flexible and robust API integrations.

GraphQL Mutation with Example

A GraphQL mutation is a request to modify data in a GraphQL API, such as creating, updating, or deleting data. Here's an example of a simple GraphQL mutation:

mutation {
  createBook(title: "The Great Gatsby", author: "F. Scott Fitzgerald", publicationYear: 1925) {

In this example, the mutation is asking the server to create a new book with the specified title, author, and publicationYear. The mutation is also asking for the id, title, author, and publicationYear fields of the newly created book to be returned.

When this mutation is sent to a GraphQL API server, the server will use the schema to determine how to modify the data. In this case, the server will create a new book with the specified properties and return the details of the newly created book.

Overall, GraphQL mutations allow clients to modify data flexibly and efficiently, using a simple and consistent API. This can make it easier to build complex data-driven applications requiring high interactivity and real-time updates.

GraphQL Resolver with Example

A GraphQL resolver is a function responsible for returning the data for a specific field in a GraphQL query or mutation. Resolvers are defined in the GraphQL schema and are used to retrieve data from a data source or perform other logic required to fulfill a particular field.

Here's an example of a simple GraphQL resolver for the books field:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    books: () => {
      // retrieve books from data source
      return Book.findAll();

In this example, the resolver is defined as a function that retrieves books from a data source (in this case, a database). The Query type specifies that this resolver is for the books field, which is defined in the schema as a list of Book objects.

When a GraphQL query is executed, the server will use the resolver to fetch the data for each field. In this case, when the books field is requested, the server will execute the resolver function and return the list of books from the data source.

Overall, resolvers are a critical component of GraphQL APIs, as they provide a way to retrieve data from any source and perform any logic required to fulfill a particular query or mutation. By defining resolvers in the schema, GraphQL makes it easy to manage the complexity of data retrieval and transformation while providing a clear and consistent API for clients.

GraphQL Subscription with Example

A GraphQL subscription requests real-time data that a client can subscribe to and receive updates for whenever the data changes. Subscriptions are a powerful feature of GraphQL that enables real-time data streams and live updates for applications that require real-time data.

Here's an example of a simple GraphQL subscription:

subscription {
  newBook {

In this example, the subscription asks the server to notify the client whenever a new book is added to the data source. The subscription is also asking for the id, title, author, and publicationYear fields of the new book to be returned.

When a client subscribes to this subscription, the server will send updates to the client whenever a new book is added to the data source. The server will send the requested fields of the new book in the format specified by the client.

Overall, GraphQL subscriptions enable real-time data streams and live updates for applications that require real-time data, such as chat apps, stock tickers, and IoT applications. GraphQL makes it easy to build complex and interactive applications requiring real-time data streams by providing a consistent and powerful API for real-time data.


In this article, we discuss graphQL in detail.

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