Webgrid and Gridview in ASP.NET Core and .NET Core Explained

Sorting URL

This is based on the concept — of passing page numbers and sorting columns and sorting order using query string parameters. Based on the concept — if you modify the query string/URL and assign — window. location = modifiedurl, it will hit the server with the modified URL. We alter page numbers and sort columns in URL using JavaScript and JQuery.

You can copy the large JavaScript code here to a new JS file and refer to it.

//For paging use below dummy class in <style> tag
 <th width="100px" style="background-color: #337ab7; color: #fff; border-color: #2e6da4;">NoSortCol1</th>
 <th width="100px" style="background-color: #337ab7; color: #fff; border-color: #2e6da4;">NoSortCol2</th>
//instead of looping over month, it is up to you how you use sort expressions sent by controller
 @foreach (string month in @ViewBag.ListMonths)
 string sortExp = @"/ReportController/RevActionMethod?PAGE2=1&SORTDIR2=DESC&SORTCOL2=" + month;
 <th width="100px" style="background-color: #337ab7; color: #fff; border-color: #2e6da4;">
 <a style="color:#fff" href="@sortExp">@month</a>
//iterate data here.. above is just header
<tr><td colspan="6" class="Paging"></td></tr>
// Here Paging buttons will be inserted in the above <tr> using Paging class
window.onload = function () {
    // appendSorting2('Q1FY22');

// Here AllColumns is a ';' separated string of all columns.
// They are the same as all sort expressions in the hyperlink.
// There should not be any space in the sort expression.
// These sort expressions are the sort columns that are passed 
// to the server each time we click.

Put the below in a separate JavaScript file.

If $.urlParam = function (name) in the below code is not working, put this function code in the named function.

function appendPaging2(totPages) {
    TotalPages = totPages;
    var pageLink = $('.Paging');
    var curPage = $.urlParam("PAGE2");
    if (curPage == '') curPage = 1;


    var disable5 = "", disableLast = "", disableNext = "";
    var disableDecr5 = "", disablePrev = "", disableFirst = "";

    if (TotalPages < 5) disable5 = "disabled";
    if (curPage == TotalPages) {
        disableLast = "disabled";
        disableNext = "disabled";
        disable5 = "disabled";
    if (curPage == 1) {
        disableDecr5 = "disabled";
        disablePrev = "disabled";
        disableFirst = "disabled";

    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" name="FIRST" onclick="page(event);" style="margin-left:4px;" class="page-link" value="<<"' + disableFirst + ' />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" name="PREV1" onclick="page(event);" style="margin-left:4px;" class="page-link" value="<"' + disablePrev + ' />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" name="PREV5" onclick="page(event);" style="margin-left:4px;" class="page-link" value="<5"' + disableDecr5 + ' />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" name="NEXT5" onclick="page(event);" style="margin-left:4px;" class="page-link" value="5>"' + disable5 + ' />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" name="NEXT1" onclick="page(event);" style="margin-left:4px;" class="page-link" value=">"' + disableNext + ' />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" name="LAST" onclick="page(event);" style="margin-left:4px;" class="page-link" value=">>"' + disableLast + ' />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" class="page-link" style="background-color:#ccc; margin-left:4px;" value="1" disabled />');
    pageLink.append('<input type="submit" class="page-link" style="background-color:#ccc; margin-left:4px;" value="' + TotalPages + '" disabled />');

function appendSorting2(liColumns) {
    var allColAry = liColumns.split(";");
    for (let i = 0; i < allColAry.length; i++) {
        $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + allColAry[i].toString().replace(" ", "") + '"]').attr("onclick", 'setSort2(this);');
    var sortCol = $.urlParam("SORTCOL2");
    var sortDir = $.urlParam("SORTDIR2");
    if (sortDir != "") {
        if (sortDir == "DESC") {
            var txt = $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + sortCol + '"]').attr('href').toString();
            txt = txt.replace("SORTDIR2=DESC", "SORTDIR2=ASC");
            $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + sortCol + '"]').attr('href', txt);
            $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + sortCol + '"]').parent().append("▼");
        } else {
            var txt = $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + sortCol + '"]').attr('href').toString();
            txt = txt.replace("SORTDIR2=ASC", "SORTDIR2=DESC");
            $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + sortCol + '"]').attr('href', txt);
            $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + sortCol + '"]').parent().append("▲");

function page(event) {
    var txt = window.location.toString();
    switch (event.target.name.toString()) {
        case 'PREV1':
            // Logic for previous page
        case 'NEXT1':
            // Logic for next page
        case 'PREV5':
            // Logic for previous 5 pages
        case 'NEXT5':
            // Logic for next 5 pages
        case 'LAST':
            // Logic for last page
        case 'FIRST':
            // Logic for first page
            // Default case

function setSort2(e) {
    var type = e.text.toString().replace(" ", "").replace("%", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
    var txtHref = $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + type + '"]').attr('href').toString();
    txtHref = setURLParams(txtHref);
    txtHref = updateQueryStringParameter(txtHref, 'PAGE2', 1);
    $('tr > th > a[href*="SORTCOL2=' + type + '"]').attr('href', txtHref);

function setURLParams(txtHref) {
    var urlTxt = window.location.toString();
    var urlAry = urlTxt.split("?");
    if (urlAry.length > 1) {
        urlTxt = urlAry[1];
        const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(urlTxt);
        for (const key of searchParams.keys()) {
            if (key != "SORTCOL2" && key != "SORTDIR2" && key != "PAGE2") {
                var val = $.urlParam(key);
                txtHref = updateQueryStringParameter(txtHref, key, val);
    return txtHref;

function updateQueryStringParameter(uri, key, value) {
    var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i");
    var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
    if (uri.match(re)) {
        return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
    } else {
        return uri + separator + key + "=" + value;

$.urlParam = function (name) {
    var results = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.search);
    return results !== null ? results[1] || 0 : false;
// we have to use bootstrap and styling of paging is automatically taken care
//add this extra property in bootstrap .page-link
//I copied all styling related to paging in separate file from bootstrap (cut paste)
.page-link {
  float: left;



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