This article is in continuation of my previous one.
This article will help you understand what Microsoft Flow is and how to create a Wait Module for Approval in Microsoft Flow.
What is Microsoft Flow?
Microsoft Flow helps you combine two or more services on cloud and makes your work simple with the help of that combination. Microsoft gives you 35 and more connections free of cost, including services like SharePoint and OneDrive too, with public software services like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Approval in Microsoft Flow
This allows you to create an item in SharePoint which will help you to send approval mail and then, notify you whether the item was approved or rejected.
Microsoft Flow is under preview. So, it is available for free and anyone can access it.
Go through the below links to understand the basics of Microsoft Flow.
Useful Links,
In this article, we will be adding SharePoint online List with action and condition to approve the Flow and send emails to your Office 365 mail.
Follow the below steps now.
Step 1 - Login to Flow portal at this URL and click on the Sign in.
Step 2 - Login with your credentials over there.
Step 3 - Click on My Flows.
![My Flows]()
In My Flows, you can find the Flows that have already been created and this will help you create a new Flow.
Click on Create from Blank.
![create a new flow]()
Step 4 - Select SharePoint – When a new item is created.
Meanwhile, enter the Flow name. Here, I will be adding Approval for Flow and click on Create flow button.
Step 5 - Click on the Sign in button and Sign in with your SharePoint credentials.
![Sign in]()
![Sign in]()
Step 6 - Enter the site URL for which the Online SharePoint list has been created and select the List name.
Here, I will select the List name as Project Tracker.
![Project Tracker]()
Step 7 - Click on Add an action.
![Add an Action]()
Step 8 - Select Office 365 Outlook – Send Approval email in order to send mail through this module.
![Office 365 Outlook]()
Step 9 - Fill in the below form with the following options:
Subject: Approval Request
User Options: Approve, Request
To: Assigned to email
Step 10 - Let's add a condition now. Click on Add a condition.
In the below options, select the condition as “SelectedOption” is equal to “Approve”.
In Yes Module, click on Add an action.
If Yes – Select Office 365 Outlook – Send an email.
![Office 365 Outlook]()
![Office 365 Outlook]()
Step 11 - Select the below options.
To – Created by Email
Subject – “Assigned to DisplayName” has approved “Title”
Body – Ready to proceed with next part
Step 12 - In the No module, follow the same steps as in Step 11 except Subject and Body.
Subject – “Assigned to DisplayName” has rejected “Title”
Body – Need to revisit your project specs again.
Step 13 - Click on Create Flow.
![Create Flow]()
Click on Close button.
![Close button]()
Now, your Flow has been created. This will help you approve the Flow that is running, and send an email to the specified Office 365 account, depending on the conditions.