Figure 1.
--query 2
--displaying extended properties on all schemas
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema',null,null,null,null,null)
The result is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2.
--query 3
--displaying extended properties on the HumanResources schema
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema','HumanResources',null,null,null,null)
The result is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3.
--query 4
--displaying extended properties on all tables
--in the HumanResources schema
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema','HumanResources','TABLE',null,null,null)
The result is shown in figure 4.
Figure 4.
--query 5
--displaying extended properties on the Employee table
--in the HumanResources schema
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema','HumanResources','TABLE','Employee',null,null)
The result is shown in figure 5.
Figure 5.
--query 6
--displaying extended properties on all columns of the Employee table
--in the HumanResources schema
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema','HumanResources','TABLE','Employee','COLUMN',null)
The result is shown in figure 6.
Figure 6.
--query 7
--displaying extended properties on the EmployeeID column
--of the Employee table in the HumanResources schema
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema','HumanResources','TABLE','Employee','COLUMN','EmployeeID')
The result is shown in figure 7.
Figure 7.
--query 8
--displaying extended properties on the MaritalStatus column
--of the Employee table in the HumanResources schema
select objtype,objname,[name],[value]
from fn_listextendedproperty (null,'schema','HumanResources','TABLE','Employee','COLUMN','MaritalStatus')
The result is shown in figure 8.
Figure 8.
OK ! I think, that we have worked well enough. Let's drink a cup of coffee before we shall pass to the second part .
Good luck in programming !