Stored Procedures
Stored Procedures provide a way to encapsulate frequently used or complex SQL Logic statements and allow them to be executed with a single call. It can be called on-demand with or without parameters. It can accept input parameters, perform operations, and return results to the caller.
Key Characteristics of SQL Procedures
- Name: Each SQL procedure has a unique name by which it can be called
- Input Parameters: Procedures can accept input parameters that allow dynamic data to be passed into the procedure when it is called.
- SQL Statements: Procedures contain one or more SQL statements, including queries, data manipulation statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), and data definition statements (CREATE, DROP).
- Procedural Logic: In addition to SQL statements, procedures can include procedural logic such as conditional statements (IF-ELSE), looping constructs (WHILE, FOR), and exception handling.
- Return Values: Procedures can return values to the caller.
Merits of SQL Procedures
![Merits of SQL Procedures]()
Create a Stored Procedure
To begin, establish a table named Employees in your database, containing fields like Employee_id, First_name, Last_name, Salary, and department_id. Insert data using the insert query. Next, craft a procedure to retrieve all data from this table. This way, you can call the procedure anytime without rewriting the entire query repeatedly.
CREATE TABLE employees (
employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
first_name VARCHAR(50),
last_name VARCHAR(50),
salary DECIMAL(10, 2),
department_id INT
insert into employees values (1, 'Gaurav','Gupta',678907,121),
(2, 'Gayatri','Shukla',60000,121),
(3, 'vani','Gupta',578907,121),
(4, 'ravi','Gupta',478907,122),
(5, 'Gauri','tavan',888907,122),
(6, 'avni','Gupta',778907,123);
FROM employees;
END //
CALL us_cust(); // Calling Procedure after it's creation
The coder can utilize it whenever needed.
Create a Parametrized Procedure
Specify the parameters using parentheses ().
CREATE PROCEDURE ctr_cust(id int)
SELECT * from employees
WHERE employee_id= id;
END //
call ctr_cust(2);
Here, I have passed an input parameter id of datatype int and the SQL statement finds out that the employee whose id is passed as an argument.
Create a Procedure using Loops
A Stored Procedure with an IF loop in MySQL
CREATE PROCEDURE CheckSalary(emp_id INT)
DECLARE emp_salary DECIMAL(10, 2);
SELECT Salary INTO emp_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
IF emp_salary > 50000 THEN
SELECT 'High Salary' AS Status;
SELECT 'Low Salary' AS Status;
END //
Call CheckSalary(3);
In this stored procedure
- CheckSalary is the name of the procedure.
- It takes an employee ID as input parameter.
- It retrieves the salary of the employee using the input ID.
- It then checks if the salary is greater than 50000 using an IF loop.
- If the salary is greater, it returns 'High Salary', otherwise 'Low Salary'.
Call this procedure with the employee ID as an argument, and it will check and return the salary status.
I hope it is clear to all of You. Happy Coding !