Using DataAdapters and DataSets in .NET


In .NET, working with databases often involves handling disconnected data scenarios where data is fetched, manipulated, and then updated back to the database. Two essential components for managing such scenarios are DataAdapter and DataSet. In this article, we'll delve into the use of SqlDataAdapter to fill and update a DataSet, manage disconnected data scenarios, and manipulate data using DataSet and DataTable.

Working with SqlDataAdapter to Fill and Update DataSet

The SqlDataAdapter acts as a bridge between a DataSet and a database for retrieving and saving data. It uses SQL commands to fetch data into a DataSet and to update the database with changes made in the DataSet.

Filling a DataSet with SqlDataAdapter

To fill a DataSet, you need to define a SqlDataAdapter with a SQL query or stored procedure and a connection string.

string connectionString = "your_connection_string";
string query = "SELECT * FROM Employees";
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, connectionString);
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

// Fill the DataSet with data from the database
dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "Employees");

Updating the Database with SqlDataAdapter

Updating the database involves configuring the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand of the SqlDataAdapter.

SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter);

// Assuming dataSet has changes
if (dataSet.HasChanges())
    // Update the database with the changes made in the DataSet
    dataAdapter.Update(dataSet, "Employees");

Managing Disconnected Data Scenarios

Disconnected data scenarios refer to situations where the application interacts with a local copy of the data rather than maintaining an open connection to the database.

Fetching Data

Data is fetched from the database and stored in a DataSet. The connection to the database is closed after the data is fetched.

dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "Employees");

Manipulating Data Locally

Data manipulations such as adding, updating, or deleting rows can be performed on the DataSet without a live database connection.

// Add a new row
DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables["Employees"];
DataRow newRow = dataTable.NewRow();
newRow["Name"] = "John Doe";
newRow["Position"] = "Developer";

// Update an existing row
DataRow existingRow = dataTable.Rows[0];
existingRow["Position"] = "Senior Developer";

// Delete a row

Updating the Database

Once all desired changes are made locally, the SqlDataAdapter is used to update the database with these changes.

dataAdapter.Update(dataSet, "Employees");

Data Manipulation Using DataSet and DataTable

The DataSet is an in-memory representation of data, consisting of one or more DataTable objects. Each DataTable represents a table of data with rows and columns.

Adding Rows to a DataTable

You can add new rows to a DataTable within a DataSet.

DataTable employeesTable = dataSet.Tables["Employees"];
DataRow newEmployee = employeesTable.NewRow();
newEmployee["Name"] = "Jane Smith";
newEmployee["Position"] = "Manager";

Updating Rows in a DataTable

Rows in a DataTable can be updated by accessing them directly.

DataRow employee = employeesTable.Rows[0];
employee["Position"] = "Lead Manager";

Deleting Rows from a DataTable

Rows can be deleted by calling the Delete method on a DataRow.


Filtering and Sorting Data

You can filter and sort data in a DataTable using the Select method.

// Filter rows
DataRow[] filteredRows = employeesTable.Select("Position = 'Developer'");

// Sort rows
DataRow[] sortedRows = employeesTable.Select("", "Name ASC");


Using SqlDataAdapter and DataSet in .NET provides a powerful way to manage disconnected data scenarios. By filling a DataSet with data, manipulating it locally, and then updating the database, you can efficiently work with data in a variety of applications. Understanding these components is essential for building robust and flexible data-driven applications in . NET.

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