Introduction - This article will help you to understand the advanced features of action binding in Microsoft Cognitive Services and work on it. Pre - requisites
Note - Go through the below link to get some knowledge about Microsoft Bot Framework,
Follow the below steps now, Step 1 - Log into LUIS API web page from your web browser – and click on Edit for the Application that we have developed already. You will be getting the below screen now. Step 2 - Let's work with Action Binding, this is an important feature of LUIS. LUIS supports only one action per intent and this action can include a group of parameters derived from entities. Defining an action - Click on “BookFlight” intent at the left pane under Intents. Select “+Add Action” Click on “Add Parameter” Now, fill the below details for the parameter. You should add three parameters here as “FromLocation”, “ToLocation” and “Date”. Check in the Required button – Name as FromLocation – Type as Location::FromLocation and click on Save. Repeat the same for other two parameters of ToLocation and Date followed by a click on Save button. You can use the trash button to delete a parameter. Now, at the previous screen, you can find multiple action parameters have been added for the intent named “BookFlight”. Follow my next article to use Microsoft Azure Subscription for Microsoft Cognitive Services.