Using Microsoft Azure PowerShell (v.5.7.0) To Connect Azure Portal Account For Creating WebApp


This article covers the use of Microsoft Azure PowerShell for connecting the Azure Portal. Windows PowerShell doesn’t support Microsoft Azure Portal account for connection, so we need to install the SDKs and Command-Line tools in the Microsoft.

Use the current new version Microsoft Azure PowerShell (v.5.7.0), which has a few differences from the older version. You must have a Microsoft Azure account otherwise you cannot work on this function.

Microsoft SDKs and Command-line Tools.

Open this link to download the Azure PowerShell.


Microsoft SDKs and Command-line Tools


Scroll down and click Command-line tools >>> PowerShell >>> Windows install.
Command-line tools


  • The download wizard will open. 

    download wizard

  • After downloading select and open the downloaded software.

    download software

  • Then click to open the software and load. 

    open the software
Step 1 - Click Install Button

You can see Microsoft Azure PowerShell version and release date. 

Microsoft Azure PowerShell


Step 2 - Select and Click I Accept Button

Accept this link for downloading Microsoft Azure PowerShell Direct Download link. You must select the  I Accept button.

Microsoft Azure PowerShell


Step 3 - Download Microsoft Azure PowerShell and Install

After accepting, it will download the Microsoft Azure PowerShell 

Download progress Microsoft Azure PowerShell


Step 4 - Click Finish Button

Finish Button
 Microsoft Azure PowerShell will not be in this list, because this is the new version.

In the older version, the installation is visible. You can search the name and find that installation.

new version


In the search option >>> Type "Azure PowerShell".

Azure PowerShell

You'll see the result:  "Microsoft Azure PowerShell Installed."

Now, you can see the installation successfully in Microsoft Azure PowerShell. 

Microsoft Azure PowerShell Installed


Then open the Windows PowerShell ISE.

Windows PowerShell ISE

Windows PowerShell ISE.

Windows PowerShell ISE
After opening the Windows PowerShell ISE.

Windows PowerShell ISE
Then type the command (Connect-AzureRmAccount) for connecting the Azure Portal Account.

If the command is correct, Microsoft account will sign in to the wizard. Enter your email address >>> click Next Button.

Microsoft account Sign in wizard
Enter your email address and password.

email address password
Then open the Your Azure Portal Account details.

Finally, connect your Microsoft Azure Portal account. You can see your Azure account details.

Azure Portal Account details


Create a new resource group

Create a new resource group or use an already-created one. Command:

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name webresGroup -Location 'East US'



Create a WebApp Service plan in a Free/Standard tier.

Then, Create a WebApp Service plan in a Free/Standard tier. Command:

New-AzureRmAppServicePlan -ResourceGroupName webresGroup -Name webapp

-Location 'East US' -Tier Standard

WebApp Service plan


Create a New web app

Finally, you created a new web app in your Azure Portal. Command:

New-AzureRmWebApp -ResourceGroupName webresGroup -Name powershellwebapp

 -Location 'East US' -AppServicePlan webapp

New web app


Before seeing the App Service list in your Azure Portal

Then, open your Azure Portal before creating a new webapp. See App Services.

 App Services


Let’s see the WebApp Service

After, creating a New WebApp, let’s see your App Service.  

WebApp Service

Thanks for reading my article. 

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