Use Case View in Software Development


The Use Case View is a perspective used in software development that concentrates on identifying a system's functional needs from the viewpoint of its users or other external actors. It aids in comprehending how users engage with the system and what features it ought to offer to meet their wants. Use case diagrams, which show how actors interact with the system, are generally used to record the use case view.

Key Aspects of the Use Case View in software development

  • Use Case: A use case describes a particular functionality or behavior the system ought to display. It depicts a series of steps taken by the system in reaction to contact with an actor. Use cases are expressed in normal language and can range in complexity from "Process customer order" to something as simple as "Log in to the system."
  • Actors: Actors are external entities that interact with the system (users, other systems, or devices) to accomplish their objectives. Each actor engages with the system through one or more use cases and has a specific role. Actors can be automated systems like payment gateways or third-party APIs or human users like customers or administrators.
  • Relationships: Actors and use cases are connected via relationships, which outline their interactions. The most frequent connection is the association, which shows that an actor is associated with a certain use case. Other connections comprise and extend (where one-use case is incorporated within another) (when one use case can be extended by another).
  • System Boundary: The system boundary, which depicts the reach of the software system under discussion, is defined by the use case diagram. It describes what is integrated into the system and what is not. Use cases are contained within the system boundary while actors are deployed outside of it.
  • Functional Requirements: The functional needs of the system are better captured and documented using the use case view. It gives a clear picture of how users or other outside parties will interact with the system and what must be done to meet their needs. The design, development, and testing of systems are all based on use cases.
  • Iterative Development: The Use Case View encourages incremental and iterative development methods. Throughout the development lifetime, use cases can be prioritized, improved upon, and updated. They act as a channel of communication between the various parties involved, enabling feedback and validating the operation of the system.

A method through which we analyze, Clarify, Identify, and organize the system requirements User Complete Operating Process is defined in Figure 3.1 (Use Case Diagram).

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Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

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