Uploading Files from a Git Repository to Azure Storage Using Azure CLI


In the era of cloud computing, efficient data storage, and management are essential for modern applications. Azure Storage, provided by Microsoft Azure, offers a scalable, secure, and reliable solution for storing various types of data, including files. This article will guide you through the process of uploading files from a Git repository to Azure Storage using the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI). This workflow can be especially useful for scenarios where you want to share, backup, or distribute files stored in a Git repository to Azure Storage for easy access and management.


  1. An Azure account
  2. Azure CLI installed on your local machine
  3. A Git repository with the files you want to upload

Step 1. Authentication and Azure CLI Setup

Before you begin, ensure you are authenticated with your Azure account using the following command:

az login

Step 2. Create an Azure Storage Account

If you don't have an Azure Storage account, create one with the following command:

az storage account create --name <storage_account_name> --resource-group <resource_group_name> --location <location> --sku Standard_LRS

Replace placeholders with appropriate values for <storage_account_name>, <resource_group_name>, and <location>.

Step 3. Obtain the Storage Account Connection String

Retrieve the connection string for your storage account. You will need this to authenticate when uploading files.

az storage account show-connection-string --name <storage_account_name> --resource-group <resource_group_name> --output tsv

Step 4. Clone Git Repository and Navigate

Clone your Git repository to your local machine and navigate to the directory containing the files you want to upload.

Step 5. Upload Files to Azure Storage

Execute the following command to upload the files from the Git repository to Azure Storage:

az storage blob upload-batch --source . --destination <container_name> --destination-path <destination_folder_path> --account-name <storage_account_name> --sas-token "<connection_string>"

Replace placeholders with actual values for <container_name>, <destination_folder_path>, <storage_account_name>, and <connection_string>. The --source . flag specifies the current directory as the source for the upload.

Step 6. Access Uploaded Files

After the upload is complete, you can access the uploaded files using their URLs in the following format:



Uploading files from a Git repository to Azure Storage using the Azure CLI provides a seamless way to manage and share your data across cloud services. This process enables you to leverage the power of Azure's scalable and reliable storage infrastructure while benefiting from the version control and collaboration capabilities of Git. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate your development workflow with cloud storage, streamlining your data management process.

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