Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based application and it also works on the Exchange Online environment. It offers several advanced features that make it easy to use. That’s why most of the people and small or large organizations are moving from other email clients to O365. In this article, you will lern the step by step process for uploading MS Outlook PST into Office 365 Exchange Online environment manually. So, follow the given instructions to import or migrate PST file data into O365.

While using this Network Upload method, you need to add the Mailbox Import/Export option to the Exchange Online, because this option is not the default method in the Organization Management and Recipient Management role.

Follow the few instructions to assign and create the new Mailbox Import/Export functionality.

Open Windows PowerShell and type the given command.

$o365Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $o365Cred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection

Hit the Enter key and log in with the Office 365 Admin Account.

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

Type the following Command -

Import-PSSession $Session

Again, press the Enter key.

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -SecurityGroup "Organization Management" -Name "Import Export Org Management"

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role "Mailbox Import Export" –User "username"

You need to type a valid username.

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

Step 1 - Copy SAS URL and Installed Azure AzCopy Tool

For migrating the PST file data into Office 365, you require the SAS URL and an Azure AzCopy Tool. So, follow the below steps to know the SAS URL and download the Microsoft Azure Storage application.

First, log into the O365 Admin Account, then go to Admin Center and choose Security & Compliance >> Data Governance >> Import.

Now, create a job by clicking "New Import Job". Type the job name and click Next>> Next.

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

Click "Show network upload SAS URL" to know the URL, and then copy that by clicking the "copy to clipboard" option. After that, hit on the "Download Azure AzCopy" option for downloading the tool.

Step 2 - Upload the PST file into Azure Tool

Once it downloads on your PC, just install and launch the application. Now, type the given command.

“AzCopy.exe /Source:\\PST file location path/Dest:”SAS URL” /V: location to save log file \AzCopy.log /Y”

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

You need to give the sharing permission for the PST file or folder to know the PST file location path. 

Step 3 - Create the CSV or PST Mapping file

Here, you need to create a CSV file for PST mapping or validating the user account to import the PST file data into Office 365 Exchange Online.

To create the CSV, just use the following format.

ExchangeProvide a shared file pathPankaj.dohre.pst[email protected]FALSE

Step 4 - Create the PST import job and upload PST data

After creating the CSV file, you need your mapping to be validated. For validating the CSV file, go back to the "Import Data" window and check the both "prepare the mapping file" options followed by a click on "Next".

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

Now, upload the CSV file by clicking "Select Mapping File" option and click the "Validate" button. Once it is done, the PST will successfully save into Office 365 Mailbox.

Step 5 - Start PST Import job and filter the data.

After uploading the PST file, you need to go back to the Import page in the Security & Compliance center window. Here, you will see the migrated PST file. Click "Ready to Import to Office 365". When it is 100% done, you will be redirected to the "Filter your data" window.

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 

You can select the given option on this window or export your PST file data like emails, contacts, calendars, and attachments etc. into Office 365 Mailbox account.

Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox 


In this post, we discussed how we can upload MS Outlook PST file into Office 365 Mailbox. It will help you to convert your PST file data into Exchange Online environment. If you still have any problem related to importing PST into O365 Cloud platform, then leave a message in the comment box.

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