Up And Running With GitHub Extension In Visual Studio


In this article we will be learning about the Git hub extension and its usage in Visual Studio. You already know what Github is and how we can store our repositories and how it helps others to clone what we've developed. It's an all-in-one  platform for collaborative development.
Let's first install the extension  and later we will make use of it. 
Here is the link to download the extension -> Git Hub Extension
Once you click on the extension to install make sure to restart the Visual Studio.
For your reference I am using Visual Studio 2019. 
Visual Studio
Open the Visual Studio -> Click on Team Explorer 
Up and Running with Git Hub extension in Visual Studio
Click on Connect ->
Up and Running with Git Hub extension in Visual Studio
Here you have an option to sign-in GitHub from the browser  also have an option to login for Github Enterprise users and if you are not a user in GitHub there is an option in the bottom to Sign - up where you can create your own account from here.

GitHub Integrated 

Up and Running with Git Hub extension in Visual Studio 
After successful login you will find the Github Integrated with Visual Studio along with some features
Click on Clone where you can find all the repositories which are associated with our GitHub and you can clone the project to our local path as shown in the below figure.
It will also open the project with in the Visual Studio  
Up and Running with Git Hub extension in Visual Studio 
It helps to open an account in GitHub to create the repos and to work on projects as well.
Sign out
It's nothing but logging out. Once you logout the entire process will start from scratch. 
Add/Change Accounts
There is an option, Add or Change accounts, to change the GitHub account simultaneously from one account to another account.
Final output
Up and Running with Git Hub extension in Visual Studio 
The project cloned sucessfully to the local path which we defined and we can start work as usual. We also have options to commit and to check branches, also to switch from one branch to another. We have to track the issues and to pull and push to check with Graphical UI.


This extension is free to use. In this article we have learned how to install and use Github extension for Visual Studio without any commands. It's easy to use this extension in VS 2019 and even its earlier versions.
I hope this article helps you..
Keep learning .. !

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