Understanding "out var _" in C#


In C#, the out keyword is used to indicate an output parameter in a method signature.

When combined with var, it allows you to declare an inline variable without explicitly specifying its type.

Adding an underscore _ after var is a convention to indicate that you're intentionally ignoring the output value of the method call.


The out var _ syntax is commonly used when you're not interested in capturing the output value of a method call.

It's particularly useful for methods that return a boolean indicating success or failure, where you don't need the actual output value.


public static bool IsValidIpAddress(string ipAddress)
    return IPAddress.TryParse(ipAddress, out var _);

Consider the IPAddress.TryParse method in C#, which parses a string as an IP address.

You can use out var _ with this method to indicate that you're only interested in whether the parsing succeeds, not the parsed IPAddress object.


  • By using out var _, you're essentially telling the compiler to discard the output value and focus only on the success or failure status of the method call.
  • This can result in cleaner and more concise code, especially when you perform operations that don't require the output value.


Understanding out var _ in C# allows you to write more expressive and concise code by indicating your intent to ignore the output value of a method call.

It's a powerful feature for improving code readability and maintainability in various programming scenarios.

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