Understanding OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Types

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that allows applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, or Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Among the various grant types defined by OAuth 2.0, the authorization code grant type is one of the most commonly used and secure methods. This article explores the standard authorization code grant type, its enhanced variant with PKCE, and other related grant types.

1. Standard Authorization Code Grant Type

The authorization code grant type is designed for server-side applications where the client's secret can be securely stored. This flow ensures that access tokens are not exposed to the user's browser, making it a secure option for web applications.

Flow Steps

  1. User Initiates Authentication: The user tries to access a protected resource through the client application. The client application redirects the user to the authorization server with an authorization request.
  2. User Authentication and Consent: The user logs in to the authorization server and consents to the permissions requested by the client.
  3. Authorization Code Issued: The authorization server redirects the user back to the client application with an authorization code.
  4. Token Exchange: The client application exchanges the authorization code for an access token and optionally a refresh token at the token endpoint.

Example Use Case

  • Web Applications: Applications with server-side logic where the client secret can be securely stored.

2. Authorization Code with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange)

PKCE (pronounced "pixy") enhances the security of the standard authorization code flow. It is designed for public clients, such as mobile and single-page applications (SPA), where the client secret cannot be securely stored.

Flow Steps

  1. Generate Code Verifier and Challenge: The client generates a code verifier and a code challenge.
  2. Authorization Request: The client sends the authorization request with the code challenge.
  3. User Authentication and Consent: The user authenticates and consents.
  4. Authorization Code Issued: The authorization server returns the authorization code.
  5. Token Exchange with Verifier: The client exchanges the authorization code for an access token by presenting the code verifier.

Example Use Case

  • Mobile and Single-Page Applications: Applications where a client secret cannot be stored securely.

3. Device Authorization Grant

The device authorization grant type is used for devices that do not have a browser or input capabilities, such as smart TVs or IoT devices.

Flow Steps

  1. Device Code Request: The device requests a device code and user code from the authorization server.
  2. User Code Display: The device displays the user code and instructs the user to visit a URL and enter the code.
  3. User Authentication and Authorization: The user authenticates on a secondary device and enters the user code.
  4. Polling for Authorization: The device polls the authorization server for an access token.
  5. Access Token Issued: Once the user authorizes, the device receives the access token.

Example Use Case

  • Smart TVs and IoT Devices: Devices with limited input capabilities.

4. Client Credentials Grant

The client credentials grant type is used when the client is requesting access to the resource server based on its own credentials rather than on behalf of a user. It is typically used for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.

Flow Steps

  1. Token Request: The client application requests an access token from the authorization server by presenting its client credentials (client ID and secret).
  2. Access Token Issued: The authorization server responds with an access token.

Example Use Case

  • Service Accounts: Backend services or applications accessing APIs.

5. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

The resource owner password credentials grant type involves the user providing their username and password directly to the client application. This grant type is less secure and should be used only in scenarios where the client is highly trusted.

Flow Steps

  1. Token Request: The client application requests an access token from the authorization server by presenting the user's credentials (username and password) along with its client credentials.
  2. Access Token Issued: The authorization server responds with an access token.

Example Use Case

  • Legacy Applications: Highly trusted applications where user credentials are directly managed.

6. Implicit Grant

The implicit grant type is intended for public clients, such as single-page applications, that cannot securely store a client's secret. It directly issues an access token without the need for an authorization code exchange.

Flow Steps

  1. Authorization Request: The client application directs the user to the authorization server with an authorization request specifying the response type as a token.
  2. User Authentication and Consent: The user authenticates and consents.
  3. Access Token Issued: The authorization server redirects the user back to the client application with the access token in the URL fragment.

Example Use Case

  • Single-Page Applications: Applications with no backend server.


The OAuth 2.0 framework offers various grant types to cater to different application scenarios and security requirements. The standard authorization code grant type, particularly when enhanced with PKCE, is widely used due to its security features. Other grant types, such as device authorization, client credentials, and resource owner password credentials, serve specific use cases, making OAuth 2.0 a flexible and comprehensive framework for managing authorization across a wide range of applications.

By understanding and selecting the appropriate OAuth 2.0 grant type, developers can ensure secure and efficient access to protected resources, enhancing the overall security and user experience of their applications.

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