Understanding Dependency Injection in .NET Core with an Example

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used to implement IoC (Inversion of Control), allowing for better decoupling and easier management of dependencies within an application. .NET Core comes with built-in support for dependency injection, providing a robust way to manage dependencies effectively.

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency Injection is a technique where one object supplies the dependencies of another object. A "dependency" is any object that another object requires. With DI, these dependencies are not created by the dependent objects (consumers) but are injected into them, typically at runtime, leading to a more modular, testable, and maintainable code.

Benefits of Dependency Injection

  1. Reduced Dependency Carrying: The consumer doesn't need to know how to create its dependencies.
  2. Increased Flexibility: Dependencies can be replaced independently from the consumers.
  3. Improved Testability: By injecting dependencies, particularly interfaces, you can easily mock dependencies in unit tests.
  4. Simplified Management: Dependency management is centralized, making it easier to update and maintain.

How Dependency Injection Works in .NET Core?

.NET Core provides a built-in DI container that is configured in the Startup class of your application. It primarily involves three steps.

  1. Registration: You register your services (dependencies) with the DI container.
  2. Resolution: When a service is required, the container is asked to create an instance of the service.
  3. Lifetime Management: The container manages the lifetime of the dependencies (singleton, scoped, transient).

Example. Implementing DI in a .NET Core Web Application

Let's consider a simple example of a web application using ASP.NET Core that manages user messages. We'll implement an interface to handle messages and then inject it into our controller.

Step 1. Define the Interface and Implementation

First, we define an interface IMessageService that includes a method to get a message.

public interface IMessageService
    string GetMessage();

public class HelloMessageService : IMessageService
    public string GetMessage()
        return "Hello from Dependency Injection!";

Step 2. Register the Service

In the Startup.cs file, register the HelloMessageService with the DI container in the ConfigureServices method.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Register the IMessageService with its implementation
    services.AddSingleton<IMessageService, HelloMessageService>();

Step 3. Inject the Service into the Controller

Now, inject the IMessageService into a controller. The DI container handles the creation and injection of the service instance.

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly IMessageService _messageService;

    public HomeController(IMessageService messageService)
        _messageService = messageService;

    public IActionResult Index()
        // Use the injected service
        var message = _messageService.GetMessage();
        return View("Index", message);


Dependency Injection in .NET Core simplifies managing application dependencies, making your application more modular, testable, and maintainable. By using the built-in DI container, .NET Core developers can achieve cleaner code and better architecture with minimal effort.

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