Understanding and Implementing Application Logging


Application logging involves recording information about events that occur while an application is running. These logs can be particularly essential in identifying, diagnosing, and troubleshooting application errors and in monitoring the overall health of an application.

Brief History and Evolution

During the early days of software development, developers relied heavily on breakpoints and console outputs to debug applications. With increasing application complexity, the need for a more unified, persistent, and dynamic way of tracking application activities emerged. Initially, developers logged application happenings onto flat files, which slowly gave way to more sophisticated mechanisms such as persistent databases, cloud-based log processing platforms, and more.

Log Levels

Log levels categorize logs based on their priority relative to the severity of the event. The most common log levels, listed in increasing order of severity, include:

  1. Trace
  2. Debug
  3. Information
  4. Warning
  5. Error
  6. Critical

The Need for Application Logging

Application logging is vital to track application activities, understand application workflows, monitor application performance, identify inconsistencies, and debug during development. In production, logs might be the only accessible data source to diagnose issues, making them critical for maintenance and support.

Potential Drawbacks

Whilst logging is critical, excessive logging can have drawbacks like performance degradation and overflowing storage, and it can be hard to find significant logs amidst insignificant ones. It can potentially lead to exposing sensitive information if not done carefully.

Logging Tools

Several tools and libraries can facilitate application logging. A common tool for .NET applications is SeriLog. Other popular logging tools include NLog, log4net, ElasticSearch, and Logstash.

Implementing Application Logging in C# with SeriLog

Serilog is a powerful structured logging library that allows you to log messages and events with associated data. To start logging in with Serilog, first install the Serilog NuGet package:

Install-Package Serilog
Install-Package Serilog.Sinks.Console // used for writing log events to the Console

A basic Serilog setup looks like this:

using Serilog;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

        Log.Information("Hello, Serilog!");


In this example, "Hello, Serilog!" will be written to the console. Serilog logs not only the message but also the timestamp and the log level.


Effective application logging strategy involves defining what to log, how, and when - focusing on significant events, errors, and activities that aid in debugging and monitoring. As part of this, selecting the right logging tools for your requirements plays a crucial role. Being able to use logs to monitor application performance and predict and proactively rectify issues can make all the difference in the maintainability and stability of software applications.

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