What are different types of classes in C#?


In this article, we will understand the types of classes in C#. There are four different types of classes available in C#. They are as follows:

  1. Static class
  2. Abstract class
  3. Partial class
  4. Sealed class

Static class in C#

A class with a static keyword that contains only static members is defined as a static class. A static class cannot be instantiated.

Characteristics of static class in C#

  1. Static class cannot be instantiated using a new keyword.
  2. Static items can only access other static items. For example, a static class can only contain static members, e.g., variables, methods, etc.
  3. A static method can only contain static variables and can only access other static items.
  4. Static items share the resources between multiple users.
  5. Static cannot be used with indexers, destructors, or types other than classes.
  6. A static constructor in a non-static class runs only once when the class is instantiated for the first time.
  7. A static constructor in a static class runs only once when any of its static members are accessed for the first time.
  8. Static members are allocated in a high-frequency heap area of the memory.


using System;  
namespace StaticClass_Demo  
    public static class HeightConvertor  
        public static double InchsToCentimeters(string HeightInInchs)  
            double inchs = Double.Parse(HeightInInchs);  
            double Centimeters = (inchs* 2.54);  
            return Centimeters;  
        public static double CentimetesToInchs(string HeightInCentimeters)  
            double centimeters = Double.Parse(HeightInCentimeters);  
            double Inchs = (centimeters / 2.54);  
            return Inchs;  
using System;  
namespace StaticClass_Demo  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            Console.WriteLine("Please select the convertor direction");  
            Console.WriteLine("1. From Inchs to Centimeters.");  
            Console.WriteLine("2. From Centimeters to Inchs.");  
            string selection = Console.ReadLine();  
            double C, I = 0;  
            switch (selection)  
                case "1":  
                    Console.Write("Please enter the height in inchs: ");  
                    C = HeightConvertor.InchsToCentimeters(Console.ReadLine());  
                    Console.WriteLine("Hieght in centimeters: {0:F2}", C);  
                case "2":  
                    Console.Write("Please enter the Height in centimeters: ");  
                    I = HeightConvertor.CentimetesToInchs(Console.ReadLine());  
                    Console.WriteLine("Height in Inchs: {0:F2}", I);  
                    Console.WriteLine("Please select a convertor.");  
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");  


Types Of Classes Of In C#

Types Of Classes Of In C#

Abstract class in C#

A class with an abstract modifier indicates that the class is abstract. An abstract class cannot be instantiated. The purpose of an abstract class is to provide a common definition of a base class that multiple derived classes can share.

Characteristics of Abstract class

  1. An abstract class cannot be instantiated.
  2. An abstract class may contain abstract methods and accessors.
  3. Modifying an abstract class with the sealed modifier is impossible because the two modifiers have opposite meanings. The sealed modifier prevents a class from being inherited, and the abstract modifier requires a class to be inherited.
  4. A non-abstract class derived from an abstract class must include actual implementations of all inherited abstract methods and accessors.


using System;  
namespace AbstractClass_demo  
    public abstract class Customer  
        private string _firstName;  
        private string _lastName;  
        public string FirstName  
                return _firstName;  
                _firstName = value;  
        public string LastName  
                return _lastName;  
                _lastName = value;  
        public abstract void FullName();  
using AbstractClass_Demo;  
using System;  
namespace AbstractClass_Demo  
    class Program: Customer  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            Program p = new Program();  
            p.FirstName = "Farhan";  
            p.LastName = "Ahmed";  
        public override void FullName()  
            Console.WriteLine("Full Name:"+FirstName + " " +LastName);  


Types Of Classes Of In C#

Partial class in C#

The partial keyword indicates that other parts of the class, struct, or interface can be defined in the namespace. All the parts must use the partial keyword. All the parts must be available at compile time to form the final type. All the parts must have the same accessibility, such as public, private, and so on.

Characteristics of Partial class

  1. All the partial class definitions must be in the same assembly and namespace.
  2. All the parts must have the same accessibility, public or private, etc.
  3. If any part is declared abstract, sealed, or base type, then the whole class is declared of the same type.
  4. Different parts can have different base types, so the final class inherits all the base types.
  5. The Partial modifier can only appear immediately before the keywords class, struct, or interface.
  6. Nested partial types are allowed.


using System;  
namespace PartialClass_Demo  
    public partial class PartialClass  
        private string _firstName;  
        private string _lastName;  
        public string FirstName  
                return _firstName;  
                _firstName = value;  
        public string LastName  
                return _lastName;  
                _lastName = value;  
using System;  
namespace PartialClass_Demo  
    public partial class PartialClass  
        public void FullName()  
            Console.WriteLine("Full Name:"+FirstName+" "+LastName );  
using System;  
namespace PartialClass_Demo  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            PartialClass partial = new PartialClass();  
            partial.FirstName = "Farhan";  
            partial.LastName = "Ahmed";  


Types Of Classes Of In C#

Sealed class in C#

A class with a sealed keyword indicates that the class is sealed to prevent inheritance. A sealed class cannot be inherited. Find a detailed article about sealed class in C# here: Seales Class in C#.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Linq;  
using System.Text;  
using System.Threading.Tasks;  
namespace SealedClass_Demo  
    public sealed class Employee  
        string firstName;  
        string lastName;  
    class Program:Employee  
        static void Main(string[] args)  

Types Of Classes Of In C#


This article taught us about different types of Classes in C# with code examples explaining these codes and their output. 

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