This article is intended to illustrate how to use triggers in databases systems to enforce business rules and react to events in database applications thus supporting the Active databases principles.
Business rules are kind of reactive constraints in the form of whenever events do action with a specification of what to do if certain event happens. The event is a request for the execution of some database operation such as delete or insert a row. The action is a statement of what needs to be done when the triggers is fired. A trigger may contain a pre-condition that must be evaluated to true in order to execute the trigger.
The example codes are written in T-SQL for Microsoft SQL Server and PL/SQL for Oracle Database and they are an illustrative implementation of one audit application, which records all the changes associated to one table in the Database System.
Trigger execution:
There are mainly two types of triggers supported by the SQL standard the before and after triggers although some vendors also support the instead of trigger.
The after trigger is executed automatically after the statement that fires the trigger completes but before the transaction is committed or rolled back.
The before trigger is executed automatically first and then allows the requested action on the database object to occur.
The instead of trigger is executed automatically in place of the triggering action.
In SQL Server 2005 we can find the after and instead of triggers; the after trigger is associated only to tables.
In Oracle Database we can find before and after triggers and instead of triggers associated only to views.
Trigger granularity:
There are two types of trigger granularity:
Row-level and
Statement-level granularity.
The row-level granularity assumes that a change to single row is an event, and changes to several rows are view as separate events, thus, this kind of trigger is execute multiple times and might know the old and new value of the affected row.
On the other hand, the statement-level granularity fires once for the whole statement such as insert, delete and update and not for individual rows.
Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005
The SQL statement for the creation of trigger is shown in Listing 1:
Listing 1: The SQL statement syntax for the trigger creation in Microsoft SQL Server:
It is remarkable to say that Microsoft SQL Server creates two virtual table named deleted and inserted to store the changes. These virtual tables not always have values and depend on the requested operation. When the operation is update the deleted table has the old values and the inserted table has the new ones. When the operation is insert, then the inserted table has the inserted or new values and the deleted table is empty. And finally, if the operation is delete, then the inserted table is empty and the deleted table has the deleted or old values.
When a trigger is fired, you can determine which columns have been modified by using the update function which returns true if an insert or update operation has occurred against the columns, otherwise it returns false.
As part of the new features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, now you can define triggers which respond to server events for example for auditing when a table is created or dropped.
Let's illustrate the concepts using the proposed audit application. We're going to use the AdventureWorks database shipped with the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
First of all, we're going to illustrate the after trigger.
Let's create a table to store the audits for the modifications to the Purchasing.ShipMethod table using the entity identifier (ShipMethodID) and ship name (Name) from this base table as well as three new fields for storing the modification date, kind of operation (insert, update, delete) and who does the changes. Finally create the after trigger, which is fired when one modification operation occurs. The underlying SQL code is illustrated in Listing 2.
Listing 2: Create the audit table and trigger associated to Purchasing,ShipMethod table.
Now let's execute some database operations on the table Purchasing.ShipMethod and finally look at the audits.
Listing 3: Execution of operations and examination of audit results.
Now let's demonstrate the use of instead of trigger which is allowed for both tables and views, although the main use is to handle data modifications to views which do not allow data modifications or the modification is unambiguous.
Assume that you want to select all the ship methods and the associated purchase orders. In order to achieve this purpose, we create a view as shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4: Creation of the view
If you try to update the previous view, you receive an error message warning that the view is not updateable because the modifications affect multiple base tables.
Finally let's code an instead of trigger to insert an audit row when the user tries to insert a row on the view Purchasing.v_ShipMethodWithAudit.
Listing 5: The creation of the instead of trigger
Now when you try to insert a row into the view v_ShipMethodByOrder and audit error is inserted into the table Purchasing.ShipMethodAudit as shown in Listing 6.
Listing 6: Trying to insert a row into the view
And finally, we're going to illustrate how to enforce rules such as the cancelation of forbidden transactions. Let's suppose that we have a business rules that dictates not to delete any error audit as shown in Listing 7.
Listing 7:
Now, let's try to delete the error audits as shown in Listing 8.
Listing 8:
When you try to execute the transaction, you receive you receive a message from the database system as shown in Listing 9.
Listing 9: Aborted transaction's message received from the database system
Triggers in Oracle Database
The SQL statement for the creation of trigger is shown in Listing 10:
Listing 10: The SQL statement syntax for the trigger creation in Oracle Database.
There are some considerations concerning this syntax.
If for each option is specified, the trigger is row-level, otherwise it is statement level.
The special variables new and old are available to refer new and old values of data items. It is like the virtual tables inserted and deleted in SQL Server. In the trigger body, these variables are preceded by a colon, but in the when condition they do not have to be preceded by the colon. The referencing clause can be used to assign aliases to the variables new and old.
The when clause enclosed in parentheses is a condition that must be satisfied in order to fire the trigger.
Let's illustrate the concepts in Oracle database using the same audit application. We're going to use the default Oracle database shipped with the installation of the product and the emp table within the scott schema which stores facts about the employee business entity.
First of all, we're going to illustrate the after trigger.
Let's create a table to store the audits for the modifications to the emp table using the entity identifier (empno) and name (ename) from this base table as well as three new fields for storing the modification date, kind of operation (insert, update, delete) and who does the changes as shown in Listing 11.
Listing 11: Creation of the table emp_audit
Now, we're going to see how to use and create a before trigger. Because the table emp_audit has a surrogate key as primary key, we need to create a sequence and associate the sequence values to new rows. We want to do it automatically the same as Microsoft SQL Server 2005's identity approach.
To implement this logic, we need to create a sequence object and then create a before trigger as shown in Listing 12.
Listing 12: Implementation of the surrogate values
Now, let's test the code adding an insert employee audit as shown in Listing 13.
Listing 13: Testing the code
The output is shown in Listing 14.
Listing 14:
Now we're going to create the after trigger which is fired when any modification operation occurs (insert, delete, update) and logs the underlying operation, the date and the responsible as shown in Listing 15.
Listing 15: The after trigger logging any modification to the emp table.
Now, we test the code with the following case as shown in Listing 16.
Listing 16:
And the output is shown in Listing 17.
Listing 17:
And finally, let's demonstrate how to enforce integrity constraints using customs triggers as shown in Listing 18.
Listing 18:
Now, let's attempt to insert a row with a negative salary as shown in Listing 19.
Listing 19:
And the output is shown in Listing 20.
Listing 20: Output
In this article I show the principles of triggers and Active Database using an audit application as an illustrative example and several business scenario problems and the underlying solution using codes written for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database.