This article is a list of the most popular SQL Server interview questions and their answers with detailed explanations and SQL query examples.
Stored procedures (sprocs) are generally an ordered series of Transact-SQL statements bundled into a single logical unit. They allow for variables and parameters, as well as the selection and looping constructs. A key point is that sprocs are stored in the database rather than in a separate file.
In this article, the author explains some general-purpose SQL queries.
This article is intended for the audience stuck in their interview when asked for the differences among CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, and NVARCHAR data types. Actually it is simple but sometimes people get confused.
In this article, we will see how to use the cast and convert functions in SQL Server 2012. The cast and convert functions provide similar functionality. They are used to convert a value from one data type to another.
In this article, we will learn to create an online shopping website in ASP.Net using SQL Server.
In this article, you will learn about how to create a stored procedure in SQL.
In this article, you will learn to find the 3rd or Nth highest salary in a table via SubQuery.