String Interpolated New Line In C# 11 | Learn C#


In this article, we gonna discuss the new feature String interpolated new line in C# 11 with examples. C# programming language was launched in 2000 and now it is at version 11. As part of this article, we are going to discuss the following pointer. The previous articles have provided some of the features of c# 11. You can get them from the following,

Newlines in string interpolation expressions

String interpolation expressions were introduced as a way to simplify the process of creating strings from multiple pieces of data. With string interpolation, you can include placeholders in a string that are replaced with values at runtime.

String interpolation expressions include a new feature called newlines. This allows us to include a newline character in our string interpolation expression by using the escape sequence \n. This will cause the text that follows the \n to be displayed on a new line when the string is displayed

This feature allows developers to easily include newline characters in their string interpolation expressions, allowing them to create multi-line strings with ease.

In previous versions of C#, creating a multi-line string required the use of the + operator to concatenate multiple strings together. This could quickly become cumbersome and difficult to read, especially for longer strings.

With the introduction of newlines in string interpolation expressions, it is now possible to create multi-line strings using the familiar interpolation syntax. To include a newline in your string, simply use the \n escape sequence

For example, you might have a string like this:

string myString = $"{firstName} {lastName}";

This string contains placeholders for the firstName and lastName variables, which will be replaced with their corresponding values at runtime.

Including newlines in string interpolation expressions works the same way as it does with regular strings. You can use the \n escape sequence to insert a newline character wherever you want in the output string. For example:

string myString = $"{firstName}\n{lastName}";

This would create a string with the firstName on one line, and the lastName on the next line.

In addition to making it easier to create multi-line strings, newlines in string interpolation expressions also help to improve the readability of your code. By using newlines, we can format our string interpolation expressions to make them easier to read and understand, even for longer and more complex strings.


Overall, the new feature of newlines in string interpolation expressions is a welcome addition to C# version 11.0, providing developers with a simple and intuitive way to create multi-line strings. Whether you're working on a simple application or a large, complex system, this new feature is sure to make your life as a C# developer easier.

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