Stream Conversations with Amazon Bedrock API in .NET Console App


In this article, you'll learn how to create a .NET console application that streams conversations using the Amazon Bedrock Converse API. The application utilizes the Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet model as an example, demonstrating how to generate responses through the ConverseStream operation.


  1. Create an AWS account and log in. Ensure the IAM user you use has sufficient permissions to make necessary AWS service calls and manage AWS resources.
  2. Download and install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).
  3. Configure the AWS CLI.
  4. Download and install Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.
  5. Download and install .NET 8.0 SDK
  6. Access to Amazon Bedrock foundation model


Visual Studio 2022

Steps Involved

Perform the following steps to create a .NET console application in Visual Studio 2022 to send input text, inference parameters, and additional model-specific parameters.

  1. Open Visual Studio 2022.
  2. Click File -> New -> Project.
  3. Select the Console App template. Click Next.
  4. Enter the project name and click Next.
  5. Select the .NET 8.0 framework. Click Create.
  6. Add the following NuGet packages.
  7. Open Program. cs and replace the code with the following.
    using Amazon;
    using Amazon.BedrockRuntime;
    using Amazon.BedrockRuntime.Model;
    using Amazon.Runtime.Documents;
    namespace AmazonBedrockConverseStreamApp
        internal class Program
            /// <summary>
            /// Main entry point of the console application.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="args">Command-line arguments.</param>
            static async Task Main(string[] args)
                // Fetch the model ID from an environment variable or use a default value.
                var modelId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MODEL_ID") ?? 
                // Fetch the system prompt text from an environment variable or use a default value.
                var systemPromptText = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_PROMPT_TEXT") ?? 
                    "You are an app that creates playlists for a radio station that plays rock and pop music. Only return song names and the artist.";
                // Fetch the AWS region from an environment variable or use a default value.
                var awsRegion = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_REGION") ?? "us-east-1";
                // Store the initial message text in a variable for easy modification and reuse.
                var initialMessageText = "Create a list of 3 pop songs.";
                // Configure the Amazon Bedrock Runtime client with the specified AWS region.
                var config = new AmazonBedrockRuntimeConfig
                    RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(awsRegion)
                // Create the system prompt as a list of SystemContentBlock objects. 
                // This will guide the model on how to structure its responses.
                var systemPrompts = new List<SystemContentBlock>
                    new SystemContentBlock { Text = systemPromptText }
                // Define the initial message sent to the model by the user.
                var initialMessage = new Message
                    Role = "user", // Indicates the role of the sender (in this case, the user).
                    Content = new List<ContentBlock>
                        new ContentBlock { Text = initialMessageText }
                // Create the Bedrock Runtime client using the provided configuration.
                using var bedrockClient = new AmazonBedrockRuntimeClient(config);
                    // Stream the conversation with the specified model, messages, and system prompts.
                    await StreamConversationAsync(bedrockClient, modelId, new List<Message> { initialMessage }, systemPrompts);
                catch (AmazonBedrockRuntimeException ex)
                    // Handle AWS-specific runtime exceptions and log them to the console.
                    Console.WriteLine($"AWS Bedrock Runtime error: {ex.Message}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Handle any unexpected exceptions and log them to the console.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unexpected error: {ex.Message}");
            /// <summary>
            /// Streams a conversation with the specified model, handling and displaying each event.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bedrockClient">The Bedrock Runtime client used to communicate with the service.</param>
            /// <param name="modelId">The ID of the model to use.</param>
            /// <param name="messages">The list of messages to send to the model.</param>
            /// <param name="systemPrompts">The list of system prompts to guide the model's responses.</param>
            /// <returns>A task that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>
            private static async Task StreamConversationAsync(
                IAmazonBedrockRuntime bedrockClient,
                string modelId,
                List<Message> messages,
                List<SystemContentBlock> systemPrompts)
                // Configure the inference settings for the model, such as temperature, which controls randomness.
                var inferenceConfig = new InferenceConfiguration
                    Temperature = 0.5f // A lower value makes the output more deterministic, while a higher value increases variability.
                // Define additional fields specific to the model, such as the number of top predictions to consider.
                var additionalModelFields = new Document(new Dictionary<string, Document>
                    { "top_k", new Document(200) } // 'top_k' controls the number of highest-probability predictions considered during sampling.
                // Prepare the request to be sent to the Bedrock service.
                var request = new ConverseStreamRequest
                    ModelId = modelId,
                    Messages = messages,
                    System = systemPrompts,
                    InferenceConfig = inferenceConfig,
                    AdditionalModelRequestFields = additionalModelFields
                // Send the request to the Bedrock service and start receiving a stream of events.
                var response = await bedrockClient.ConverseStreamAsync(request);
                // Access the stream of events from the response.
                var stream = response.Stream;
                if (stream != null)
                    // Iterate over each event in the stream and handle it accordingly.
                    foreach (var eventItem in stream)
                        switch (eventItem)
                            case MessageStartEvent messageStart:
                                // Log the start of a message, including the role of the sender.
                                Console.WriteLine($"\nRole: {messageStart.Role}");
                            case ContentBlockDeltaEvent contentBlockDelta:
                                // Append the content text to the output as it streams in.
                                if (contentBlockDelta.Delta?.Text != null)
                            case MessageStopEvent messageStop:
                                // Log the reason why the message streaming stopped.
                                Console.WriteLine($"\nStop reason: {messageStop.StopReason}");
                            case ConverseStreamMetadataEvent metadata:
                                // Log token usage and latency information.
                                if (metadata.Usage != null)
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nToken usage");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Input tokens: {metadata.Usage.InputTokens}");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Output tokens: {metadata.Usage.OutputTokens}");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Total tokens: {metadata.Usage.TotalTokens}");
                                if (metadata.Metrics != null)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Latency: {metadata.Metrics.LatencyMs} milliseconds");
                                // Handle unknown or unexpected event types.
                                Console.WriteLine("Unknown event type received.");
                // Log that the conversation has completed.
                Console.WriteLine($"\nFinished streaming messages with model {modelId}.");
  8. Press F5 to run the application. You should see the below streaming conversation output.


This article describes how to create a .NET console application that streams conversations using the Amazon Bedrock Converse API.

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