There are so many situations that you may need to use a common table expression. I had a situation of returning ROW_NUMBER variable value for my paging query in SQL Server; for this I used CTE. A common table expression is actually a temporary result set or a table whose scope is defined or limited to the current statement. In this post I will explain the same in detail. I hope you will like this.
Please see this article in my blog
I had a situation of using a paging query for one of my applications which actually loads data to a grid on demand, like when a user scrolls or does any paging. For this I needed to create a stored procedure which accepts page offset as a parameter and returns the data accordingly. I used Common Table Expression for the same.
When to use a CTE
There are some situations that you may need to use a CTE, a few of them are listed below.
- When you are working with recursive queries.
- When you need to reference a temporary variable in your query.
- You can create temporary views by using CTE, so that you do not need to store the details as view.
Using the code
I hope you all got an idea about CTE, now we can see the basic structure of a common table expression.
- WITH CTE_Name(Column_Names,...) AS
- (
- )
- WHERE Column_Names1>=Your Condition
With the above structure I have created my own stored procedure as follows.
- USE [TrialsDB]
- GO
- /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_Get_SalesOrderDetailPage] Script Date: 25-Feb-16 12:53:07 PM ******/
- GO
- GO
- ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Get_SalesOrderDetailPage] @pageOffset int=0 AS BEGIN
- WITH CTE_Sales(SlNo, SalesOrderID,SalesOrderDetailID,CarrierTrackingNumber,OrderQty,ProductID,UnitPrice,ModifiedDate) AS
- ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over (
- ORDER BY ModifiedDate DESC) AS SlNo,
- SalesOrderID,
- SalesOrderDetailID,
- CarrierTrackingNumber,
- OrderQty,
- ProductID,
- UnitPrice,
- ModifiedDate
- FROM dbo.SalesOrderDetail)
- FROM CTE_Sales
- WHERE SlNo>=@pageOffset
- AND SlNo<@pageOffset+10 END
As you can see in the select query I am using a temporary column SlNo which is actually a result of ROW_NUMBER(). So to use this query in a where condition I was forced to use the CTE. Now let us run our stored procedure and see the output.
![Stored Procedure With Common Table Expression Or CTE]()
Stored Procedure With Common Table Expression Or CTE
Did I miss anything that you may think is needed? Did you try CTE in your query? Have you ever wanted to do this requirement? Did you find this post useful? I hope you liked this article. Please share with me your valuable suggestions and feedback.
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