Introduction To MVC
Visual Studio creates the main Solution File , Website Project file and other file series.
App_Data folder can contain application data files like LocalDB, .mdf files, xml files and other data related files. IIS will never serve files from App_Data folder.
App_Start folder can contain class files which will be executed when the application starts. Typically, these would be config files like AuthConfig.cs, BundleConfig.cs, FilterConfig.cs, RouteConfig.cs etc. MVC 5 includes BundleConfig.cs, FilterConfig.cs and RouteConfig.cs.
Content folder contains static files like css files, images and icons files. MVC 5 application includes bootstrap.css, bootstrap.min.css and Site.css by default.
Controllers folder contains class files for the controllers. Controllers handles users' request and returns a response. MVC requires the name of all controller files to end with "Controller".
Fonts folder contains custom font files for your application.
Models folder contains model class files. Typically model class includes public properties, which will be used by application to hold and manipulate application data.
Scripts folder contains JavaScript or VBScript files for the application. MVC 5 includes javascript files for bootstrap, jquery 1.10 and modernizer by default.
Views folder contains html files for the application. Typically view file is a .cshtml file where you write html and C# or VB.NET code.Views folder includes separate folder for each controllers. For example, all the .cshtml files, which will be rendered by HomeController will be in View > Home folder.Shared folder under View folder contains all the views which will be shared among different controllers e.g. layout files. Additionally, MVC project also includes following configuration files:
Global.asax allows you to write code that runs in response to application level events, such as Application_BeginRequest, application_start, application_error, session_start, session_end etc.
Packages.config file is managed by NuGet to keep track of what packages and versions you have installed in the application.
Web.config file contains application level configurations.
Solution User Option file
Solution User Option file is a binary file which contains various user information and settings such as location of the breakpoints.
Issue DescriptionI created one Mvc application named "SatyaExportMVC". Then I will rename to Satyaprakash of Project name and Solution file name.
Then Go to the project folder and see that only solution file name is changed but other reference folder still remains .
Then I rename those folders to Satyaprakash.
See what happens.
Then try to reload the Project .
Nothing will happen.
Steps To SolveRemove that project file under solution file as shown below.
Then right click on Solution File and click on Add >> Existing Project.
Then find out the Satyaprakash.csproj file and click open.
See the project file will load successfully.
After successful load in project files the build solution has succeeded.
Summary- Rename project file in Mvc successfully.
- Resolve file could not be loaded Isuue.