Follow below steps to create Internal Load balance in Azure
Steps to remove ILB Step 1 First remove all the endpoints of VMs which are pointing to ILB. Below is the script to remove Endpoint of VM (run this script for all the VMs in that Load Balancer which contains End Points): Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "<CloudServiceName>" -Name "<VMName>" | Remove-AzureEndpoint -Name "TestEndpoint"| Update-AzureVM Step 2 Now check If that EndPoint is removed or not, to do this use below script, it displays all the endpoints except for the EndPoint which we have removed in Step 1. Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "<CloudServiceName>" -Name "<VMName>" | Get-AzureEndpoint Step 3 Next Step is to remove the Internal Load Balance, Use below script: Remove-AzureInternalLoadBalancer -ServiceName "<CloudServiceName>" This will successfully remove Internal Load Balance.