SQL Server Installation: 2019 Developer Edition --- Custom

This series of articles are the SQL Server installation related. This article was originally purblished on 12/20/2021.

As a developer, we always have a chance to install SQL Server Developer Edition for testing, and we might meet the same issues in each installation, I will screenshot the installation process here, with a brief discussion. Due to there are two mode for SQL Server installation:

  • Basic
  • Custom

We will discuss them respectively. This article is for Custom mode. We will discuss the Basic mode in another article, actually on 04/17/2023 for SQL Server 2022.

This installation is based on the current SQL Server 2019.  Download the SQL Server from Microsoft and start to run the installation:

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

We could choose either the basic or the customed, I prefer to do the second in that I can install all components in case I will use them in future development. Because I am a SQL developer, instead of an Administrator, I do not want to jump in too deep to figure out which component is which, just have them all.  If your computer memory can afford this choice, you can do it, otherwise, you can just install the basic. 

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

Choose the first one:

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

Choose the default instance:

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

Select all the features:

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

This is for what? I do not know, and never jump in to figure out, just choose it. Yes, it might cause some issues, we will discuss it in another article:

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

Choose the Mixed Mode for sure:

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Installation

Then, run, and done.

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