Interview Question
Interview Question
Split Application Development Using JavaScript in Microsoft Visual Studio
Kishore Chowdary
Step 1
Open Visual Studio.
Then go to FILE-->New-->Project.
Step 2
You will be shown many types of applications to create.
In that search for Java Script language and select windows application development and the split app as shown in the figure.
Before clicking the OK button, remember to give an apt name for your application and the location where it gets stored.
Step 3
You will find a huge code block. Don't panic.
Here you are going to develop the application with the help of a template even if you don't know how to code.
Just click on the Solution Explorer menu in the right corner of the window as shown in the figure.
Step 4
You will get a bunch of menus when you click in there.
Now expand the JS folder and click on the data.js file.
A file gets opened as in the below-shown figure.
Find the lines of code as in this image.
Step 5
Now simply press the F5 button or click on the Local Machine option in the top.
You will get the output of the template which you are using now.
It will be as it is in this image.
Feel happy that you have created your own Windows application.
Step 6
Now let us see how to edit this template and create an application.
Just click on the close button to close this output window.
Take a look over the next image in which I have made two small changes.
Compare this image with the previous image in which the original code was found.
It is marked with a red line.
Step 7
Now run your application again by clicking on Local Machine or by pressing F5.
You will find the changes which have happened in the output because of your code.,
Step 8
Now let us change the image for the title which appears on the screen.
To use your own picture in your project, first, you need to include the picture inside your project. It is shown step by step in the screenshot.
Simply right-click on the images folder on the right side solution explorer pan. Then go to ADD-->Existing Item.
This will let you browse some pictures on your PC. Just choose it and it will be included in your project.
But be sure that the images are of JPG type.
Step 9
Here I have chosen a picture. It is included in the images folder with its name. It is indicated in the screenshot.
Just have a look over the screenshot so that you will get an idea.
Here I have used a content holder ca
style="font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;"
his a datatype.
This helps to hold the location of the image which is going to be added to the project.
All these are shown in the figure.
In the code for group 1, I have replaced background image content with mynewimage which is already created by me in the top with the datatype VAR.
This will now make the line of code of group 1 will search for the specified mynewimage content.
Step 10
Now in the middle of the quotations of mynewimage, the path of the image to be displayed in your app is copied and pasted.
This is done by clicking the image name in the images folder.
In the properties window, the full path of the image will be shown.
Just double click on the path and press CTRL+C to copy the path.
Step 11
Now paste the path in between the double quotes of the var mynewimage=" images/the picture name which you upload";
This will simply call the image which is present in that location.
But be sure that the path of the image is given in the same format as it is in the screenshot.
Then only you can see the image in the output.
Step 12
Now it is time to run your application and check out your changes.
Save the project by clicking save all button in the top left corner or by pressing CTRL+S.
You will find the image in the output.
In the same way, you can change the image of each and every tile. The same method and code apply to all the images in the application.
Step 13
Now let us change the image of every subgroup inside the main group.
Again in the same way include a new image into the project and create a container for the image path with the var datatype.
This time you need to call this image from another place in the code. This is shown in the figure.
Step 14
Now run the program again.
This time click on the first main tile where you changed your own icon first.
Now you will get into the new sub-tiles.
There you will find the changes that happened int they imaged due to your coding.
Step 15
Now let us try changing the content in the application.
Even this works in the same way as we created the datatype for the image.
Again create some datatype and add some content in between the quotes. Then call it in from the content code. This is also indicated in the screenshot.
Step 16
Now save the whole project.
Again run the project and open the sub-tiles.
You can find the updated information along with the new content.
You can follow the same process to create an application using a template for your own idea.
This is what I was able to explain in this article. Comment out if you have any other queries regarding the application.
In the next article, I will explain the steps to create app packages and publishing the application in the store. Thank you.
Split Application Development
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