Some Important Formula For App Development In PowerApp


In this article, I am going to explain some important and useful formula to develop an app in PowerApp.

Fetch Manager properties from user profiles

To fetch the user’s manager properties, first, we need to connect to the Office365Users to PowerApp.


Mail - Office365Users.Manager(User().Email).Mail

(Where the User().Email is current login user’s email. You can use any other user’s email to get the one’s respected Manager)

Department - Office365Users.MyProfile().Department

Set the visibility of control based on users

Let’s say as an example, I want to show a setting button to only admins, not to the remaining users.

To achieve this, create a SharePoint list for admins, then set a condition on the visibility of a button to check if the user is available in the list to show the button.

Look at the below screenshot to understand better,

Formulas For App Development In Powerapps 
Formulas For App Development In Powerapps 
Formulas For App Development In Powerapps

Visible - If(User().FullName in Admins.FullNameText, true, false)

Set the current user and user’s manager by default on screen load

onVisible of the screen,

For Current user,

  1. UpdateContext({  
  2.     CurrentUser: {  
  3.         '@odata.type'"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",  
  4.         Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & Lower(User().Email),  
  5.         Department: "",  
  6.         DisplayName: User().Email,  
  7.         Email: User().Email,  
  8.         JobTitle: ".",  
  9.         Picture: "."  
  10.     }  
  11. });  

For Manager,

UpdateContext({managerProfile - Office365Users.Manager(Office365Users.MyProfile().Id)})

On button click post the manager column as below,


  1. Patch('MyList', Defaults('MyList'), {  
  2.     Manager: {  
  3.         '@odata.type'"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",  
  4.         Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & Lower(managerProfile.Mail),  
  5.         Department: managerProfile.Department,  
  6.         DisplayName: managerProfile.DisplayName,  
  7.         Email: managerProfile.Mail,  
  8.         JobTitle: managerProfile.JobTitle,  
  9.         Picture: User().Image  
  10.     },  
  11. });  

Update a particular record using Patch

Property - OnSelect,


Patch('MyList', {ID:IDNum}, {Title: "My new title"})


  • Patch is a method to update a SharePoint list item, will be trigger onSelect or onChange of button
  • ‘MyList’ is a list name
  • ID is the SharePoint item’s Id where you want to update
  • ‘Title’ is the columns internal name, which you want to update
  • "My new title" is user input
Enable/Disable Button

To enable/disable a button based on selection:

Property - Display mode,


If(IsBlank('MyList Box'.Selected.Value),DisplayMode.View,DisplayMode.Edit)


  • If Selection is Blank (No Selection), the button will be in disable mode (DisplayMode.View)
  • If you select something from dropdown/list box, the button will become enabled (DisplayMode.Edit)
  • Where the 'MyList Box' is the selection box
Display some name on screen load

Whenever you are navigated from one screen to another screen based on selection of an item, the below syntax will be used to display the selected item’s property.


someGallery.Selected.DisplayName (These are just to get some idea to implement in your applications)


  • Where the ‘someGallery’ is a gallery with full of list items
  • ‘DisplayName’ is one of the properties of the selected item from the ‘someGallery’
Screen Navigation

Case - When you wish to navigate to a particular named screen from the current screen by clicking a button/Icon, put the below syntax on button’s onSelect property.

Property - onSelect,


Navigate(SomeScreenName, ScreenTransition.None)


  • Where the ‘Navigate’ is an inbuilt function which will use to navigate the screen.
  • ‘SomeScreenName’ is the destination screen where you wished to navigate.
  • ‘ScreenTransition.None’ is one of the screens to navigate the motion style out of ‘Cover’ and ‘Fade’.
Post data to SharePoint list

Case - When you want to post input form’s data to a SharePoint list on a particular button click.

Button’s Property - OnSelect,




  • Where the ‘SubmitForm’ and ‘NewForm’ are in-built functions which are useful to post data and reset to an empty form after submitting the data respectively.
  • ‘AddedEditForm’ is a name of the input edit form, which is the user-defined name.
Delete a selected record from List

Case - When you want to delete a selected item from a list box by clicking on a button.

Button’s Property - OnSelect,


Remove(MyList, First(Filter(MyList,EmpName=ListBox.Selected.EmpName)))


  • Where the ‘Remove’ is an inbuilt function which is useful to delete a selected item from the SharePoint list
  • ‘MyList’ is a name of the SharePoint list.
  • ‘EmpName’ is one of the column’s names and ‘ListBox.Selected.EmpName’ is one of the properties of the selected item from List Box which contains the list of items.
  • Where ‘First(Filter(MyList, EmpName=ListBox.Selected.EmpName))’ is filtering the matched records from MyList to the selected item from the List Box. So that it helps to remove the particular item from the list
Delete a particular record from the list by using ID

Button’s Property - OnSelect,


Remove(MyList, First(Filter(MyList,ID=Gallery.Selected.ID)))


  • This is just similar to the above case, except, where we are removing the item by passing a particular ID.
Delete Bulk Records from List

Case - When you want to perform deletion on bulk records by clicking a button.

Button’s Property - OnSelect,


ForAll(CollectionForRemove,Remove(MyList, First(Filter(MyList,ID= CollectionForRemove [@ID]))));

  • ‘ForAll’ is an inbuilt method as similar to for loop in the JavaScript
  • ‘CollectionForRemove’ is a collection of items which you want to delete
  • ‘MyList’ is list name where you want to remove the collection of items from
  • Where if Collections each record’s ID matched to ‘MyList’ item’s Id, then it will perform the deletion on the respected item.
Show some filtered Items in a gallery

Case - When you want to display particular categorized items in a gallery.

Gallery’s Property - Items,


Filter(MyList,EmployeeName.DisplayName =User().DisplayName) (Where I’m filtering current user’s items)


  • ‘Filter’ is an inbuilt method used for filtering
  • ‘MyList’ is a list name and ‘EmployeeName’ is a columns name, the ‘DisplayName’ is one of the properties of column ‘EmployeeName’
  • ‘User().DisplayName’ is the name of the login user
  • Where the gallery display only the records if the EmployeeName.DisplayName is matching with current login user’s name.
Show only unique records/Remove duplicate

Case - When you wish to show only unique items on a Gallery/ListBox

Gallery’s Property - Items,


Distinct(Filter(MyList,EmployeeName.DisplayName =User().DisplayName),EmployeeName.DisplayName)


  • ‘Distinct’ is an inbuilt method used for remove duplicate values
  • ‘MyList’ is a list name and ‘EmployeeName’ is a columns name, the ‘DisplayName’ is one of the properties of column ‘EmployeeName’
  • ‘User().DisplayName’ is the name of the login user
  • As per syntax, it will check the unique names in the ‘EmployeeName.DisplayName’ column.
Display Current Date and Time

Case - When you want to display Current Date and Time on a label/text field

Label’s Property - Text,


(Ex: DataCardAdminUserValue.Selected.DisplayName & "-" &Now())

Show the only Year,

Text(Now(), "[$-en-US]yyyy")

Set selected item Background color

Case - When you want to highlight selected item from a gallery

Gallery’s Property -TemplateFill,


RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1),


  • ‘Year’ is a column of SharePoint list
  • Where it gets highlighted when the list column Year and selected Year from the gallery are matched, else it will show the white color only (this means no fill).
Bulk records update

Case - When you want to perform updating on bulk records by clicking a button

Button’s Property -OnSelect,


ForAll(CheckedItems,Patch(ChecklistItemsSource,LookUp(ChecklistItemsSource, Id = CheckedItems[@Id]),{Status:"Done"}))


  • ‘ForAll’ is an inbuilt method similar to for loop in JavaScript
  • ‘CheckedItems’ is a collection of items which you want to update
  • ‘ChecklistItemsSource’ is list name where you want to update the collection of items from
  • If each Collection record’s ID is matched to ‘ChecklistItemsSource’ item’s Id, then it will perform the update action on ‘Status’ column of the respective item with user input ‘Done’.
Update a particular record

Case - When you want to perform update on a particular record by clicking a button

Button’s Property - OnSelect,


Patch(MyList, {ID:SelectedId}, {Status: "Submitted"});


This is just similar to the above case, except, where we are updating the item with user input ‘Submitted’ to Status column by passing a particular ID.

Collection’s indexed values

Case - When you want to get a particular item’s property from the collection using an index.

Property - any text/label,


Last(FirstN(MyCollection, IndexValue)).ColumnName
(Ex: Last(FirstN(SomeCollection, 1)).ID
Last(FirstN(MyCollectionForEmployeeInfo, 3)).Employee.DisplayName


  • Where I’m getting ID of collection’s item where its index is 1
  • Similarly , getting Employee’s display name from collection where its index is 3
Set items to a collection

Case - When you want to create a collection/Array with filtered items on a button click

Button’s Property:OnSelect/onChange,


(Ex: ClearCollect(CollectionForselectedQuarter,Filter('Key Initiatives Quarters', YearsFromHeaders_3.Selected.Result = Year&&hrlw=AllAdmins.Selected.Result&&Quarter=Value(Dropdown2.Selected.Value))))


  • ‘ClearCollect’ is an in built method which will clear an array first then push items
  • ‘CollectionForselectedQuarter’ is user defined collection Name
  • Where the filtered items are pushing into the respected collection on a button click
Condition in MS flow

Case - When you want to set condition with array length

Edit in advance mode


For:Array length greater than 0,

@greater(length(body('Filter_array_1')), 0)

For:Array length is equals to 0,

@equals(length(body('Filter_array_2')), 0)


Case - When you want to hide and show two icons, set variable and use as following:

  • Icon1

UpdateContext({ExpandColapse: !ExpandColapse})


  • icon2

    UpdateContext({ExpandColapse: !ExpandColapse})

  • Item
    Not(ExpandColapse&&thisItem.selected )
Show a particular filtered item from a Sharepoint list

Case - Filter from entire list on page load

Property - Text,



Where it will filter and return the Employee Name from the SharePoint list where it has  EmployeeName=CurrentUserName and Year=RunningYear, and the CurrentUserName and Running are the variables which are defined on the screen’s OnVisible under Advanced.
Formulas For App Development In Powerapps 
Set Variable on click

Case: Set variable on an action


Set(ForUnique,"New Initiative"& "-" &Now());


‘ForUnique’ is a user-defined variable name setting with a string and current datetime
Reset form on Submit button using while using the patch

Case - When you want to reset form while using submission with patch methods

Property1: OnSelect,


UpdateContext({ResetVar: true});UpdateContext({ResetVar: false})


This article will help us to develop any kind of customized applications with the help of the above formula. I hope we can achieve almost any kind of issues or required things with the help of those formulas. This will be helpful to those who want to start with PowerApp. Expect many more things related to Microsoft Flows in my coming articles.

Thank you.

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