IntroductionTools Used: .net SDKHow to use: This article explains how to create and deploy a simple webservice .To use the sample code, one needs to have .net SDK installed. A text editor is enough to build and test the codes.Creating a Simple Web Service
This will return the result in XML format.Deploying the Web Service on the Client Machine
Making use of WebService in client asp/aspx page<%@ import Namespace = "NameSp" %><script language = "c#" runat = "server">public void Page_Load(object o, EventArgs e){int x = 10;int y = 5;int sum;//Instantiating the public class of the webserviceAddNumbers AN = new AddNumbers();sum = AN.Add(x,y);string str = sum.ToString();response.writeline(str);}</script>Note: It is advisable to