Set Up Python Environment For Data Science


You can use any IDE as per your convenience, but I prefer Anaconda. You install Python and use any IDE, like Visual Studio Code or Sublime.
Visit here and select any operating system you want to install. I am using Windows 10 so I clicked on the Windows tab and downloaded Python 3.7 version for 64-bit.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
Right-click on the downloaded file and run as administrator.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
Click next and go with the default settings. There's no need to modify any options.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
If you are installing in your local system then select the "Just me" option or else you can select "All users" if you want to share this with any other user and click next.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
Click next and select the location where you want to install and then again click next.
Select both checkboxes. As you can see when users select “Add Anaconda to my path environment variable” it says that it's not recommended because if you have different versions of Python installed on your system that will make a mess. So to avoid that just select the first option and click on install.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
After installation clicks on the start button and searches Anaconda.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
And click on Anaconda Navigator.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
Click on Ok or Ok and don’t show again. You will get the following screen.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
Now you can use Anaconda. You can see that as of now I have JupyterLab, Jupyter, Qt Console, and Spyder. I am going to use Jupyter for this tutorial.
Now click on Jupyter notebook launch.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
I am choosing Google Chrome. After selecting Chrome you will get one tab open in your browser.
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
As of now, I am writing “Hello World” in Python using Jupyter notebook. In the next article, we will discuss data types and much more.
print("Hello World")
Setup Python Environment For Data Science
I hope this will be helpful.

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