Getting started
- Log in to AWS Console
- Enter Username and Password
- Go to services and go to Management & Governance
- Search CloudWatch in Management & Governance
- Click on Billing under Alarms section on the Left sidebar
Here is the screenshot where you can find CloudWatch.
Here is a screenshot where you can find Billing see running Alarms and set up a new Alarm.
Click the Create Alarm button on the page's right side.
![Create Alarm button]()
Click Select metric.
![Select metric]()
Click billing from AWS Namespaces.
![AWS Namespaces]()
Click Total Estimate Change from Billing Metrics.
![Billing Metrics]()
Check the USD check box and click the Select metric button.
![USD check box]()
Select and specify metrics and conditions.
For example
I want to set up an Alarm for $1000 and then enter 1000 in the USD textbox, so once usage goes above the given amount you will get an alert email.
Enter $1000 in the USD text box leave the rest as it is and click Next.
![Enter $1000]()
Given the screenshot, you need to set up notifications and SNS. Select Create a new topic and enter a topic name and email address where you will get a notification and hit Create topic.
Next, you need to verify the SNS subscription from your Email.
![SNS subscription]()
After confirmation, add the Alarm name and description and click next to create an Alarm.
You can see the Alarm status in the Alarm section that will run every 6 hours and if usage goes to over $1000, you will get an email alert.
![Alarm section]()
The email should be like this.
![The email]()
In this article, we have learned how to set up a billing Alarm using CloudWatch and SNS on AWS.