Set Status Bar Color for SQL Server Query Editor


I have used SQL Server for more than 20 years, never knew the fact that the SQL Server Query Editor located on the right side of SSMS could have a different connection compared to the left side.

The status bar of Database Engine Query Editor windows can be color-coded to indicate which instance of the Database Engine each window is connected to.

There are two ways to set the SQL Server Status Bar color:

1.  When opening a Database

SQL Server

Click Options:

SQL Server Options

Check Use Custom Color:


Click Select => Choose a Color, such as RED

SQL Server Color

Connect, then when you open a table from the left-hand panel, you will see the details of the table with a RED Bar.

Red Bar

2. For a Registered Server

Right, Click the registered server => Register:

Object Explorer

In an opened window => Connection Properties:

Choose a color you like, such as Green, then:

Green Bar

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