Here in this article, we will see how we can set the default date in Power apps form.
When we customize the SharePoint list form using power apps, we will face the issue that the power app sets the default date for the date field.
We may need to set the default date as per our own requirement or we need to remove the default date and make that date filed empty.
So, for making the date field be set based on our requirement you just need to do the below changes.
Step 1
Select the Date field for which you want to set the default date.
Step 2
Search for the “
InputTextPlaceholder” property.
Step 3
Set the date as per your requirement
For Ex:-> If(IsBlank(Self.SelectedDate), Text(Date(2021,01,01), Self.Format, Self.Language))
So here, in “Date(2021,01,01)” is in “Date(YYYY,MM,DD)” format.
Step 4
If you want to show blank date or make it empty, then in “InputTextPlaceholder” property set below expression
If(IsBlank(Self.SelectedDate), Text(Blank()))
That’s it for now, I’ll post more useful articles later. Thanks.