Server Side Pagination Using ASP.NET Core And Angular 8 - Part Two


In this article, we will learn how we create server-side pagination which is very useful whenever we need to display a large number of records. This is the second part of my article in the server-side pagination series, you can check the first part of this article from the below-mentioned link.

How will it work?

In this article, we are going to show  Prev and Next button with custom logic. Whenever we click on the next button it shows the next page records, for example, suppose we are on page 1 and after clicking on next it would show 2nd-page records but here we will see different logic.


Here in the previous article, we have already created a database and tables so no need to create it again;  if you don't have the related database, tables, and stored procedure, then please check  part 1.
Complete code of pagination controller 
  1. using System.Collections.Generic;  
  2. using System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects;  
  3. using System.Linq;  
  4. using System.Web.Http;  
  5. using Pagination.Models;  
  6. namespace Pagination.Controllers  
  7. {  
  8.     public class PaginationController : ApiController  
  9.     {  
  10.         CompanyEntities2 db = new CompanyEntities2();  
  12.         [HttpGet]  
  13.         public object getAllCompanies(int pageNo, int pageSize, string sortOrder)  
  14.         {  
  16.             var oMyString = new ObjectParameter("totalCount"typeof(int));  
  18.             var companyDetails = db.Usp_GetAllCompanies(pageNo, pageSize, sortOrder).ToList();  
  19.             return companyDetails;  
  20.         }  
  22.         [HttpGet]  
  23.         public object getAllCompaniesCount()  
  24.         {  
  26.             var companyDetailsCount = db.Usp_getAllCompaniesCount().SingleOrDefault();         
  27.             return companyDetailsCount;  
  28.         }  
  29.     }  
  30. }  


Step 1
Let's copy the HTML code and replace it with pagination.html file, I have made some changes as compared to part 1, including new buttons to check the number of companies on one page like 5,10,15,5 has been selected by default, when you click on 10 then 10 records will show in one page.
  1. <div class="row">  
  2.     <div class="col-12 col-md-12">  
  3.         <div class="card">  
  4.             <div class="card-header">  
  5.                 <div class="row">  
  6.                     <div>    
  7. Companies 1-{{pageSize}} (Total:{{totalCompaniesCount}})    
  8. </div>  
  9.                     <div style="margin: auto;" class="add-row add-row-rel top-paging">  
  10.                         <span class="cpp">Companies per page:</span>  
  11.                         <a (click)="setRecPerPage(small)" [ngClass]="smallPageRow? 'active':'mr-2'">{{small}}</a>  
  12.                         <a (click)="setRecPerPage(medium)" [ngClass]="mediumPageRow? 'active':'mr-2'">{{medium}}</a>  
  13.                         <a (click)="setRecPerPage(large)" [ngClass]="largePageRow? 'active':'mr-2'">{{large}}</a>  
  14.                     </div>  
  15.                 </div>  
  16.             </div>  
  17.             <div class="card-body position-relative">  
  18.                 <!-- <div class="tbl-note-dentist">    
  19. Sort list by select <span>table headers</span>, click again to reorder    
  20. ascending/descending    
  21. </div> -->  
  22.                 <div class="table-responsive cnstr-record companie-tbl">  
  23.                     <table class="table table-bordered heading-hvr">  
  24.                         <thead>  
  25.                             <tr>  
  26.                                 <th style="cursor: pointer;" [ngClass]="order =='CompanyNumber'? 'active':''"    
  27. (click)="setOrder('CompanyNumber')" width="80">Company Name.</th>  
  28.                                 <th style="cursor: pointer;" [ngClass]="order =='CompanyType'? 'active':''"    
  29. (click)="setOrder('CompanyType')" width="75">City</th>  
  30.                                 <th [ngClass]="order =='CompanyName'? 'active':''" style="cursor: pointer;"    
  31. (click)="setOrder('CompanyName')">State    
  32. </th>  
  33.                                 <th [ngClass]="order =='OrgNo'? 'active':''" style="cursor: pointer;" (click)="setOrder('OrgNo')"    
  34. width="75">CEO    
  35. </th>  
  36.                                 <th [ngClass]="order =='Street'? 'active':''" style="cursor: pointer; width:250px"    
  37. (click)="setOrder('Street')">Publish Year</th>  
  38.                             </tr>  
  39.                         </thead>  
  40.                         <tbody>  
  41.                             <tr *ngFor="let item of companies">  
  42.                                 <td>{{item.CompanyName}}</td>  
  43.                                 <td>{{item.City}}</td>  
  44.                                 <td>{{item.State}}</td>  
  45.                                 <td>{{item.Owner}}</td>  
  46.                                 <td>{{item.PublishYear}}</td>  
  47.                             </tr>  
  48.                         </tbody>  
  49.                     </table>  
  50.                 </div>  
  51.                 <!-- Code by pagination -->  
  52.                 <div class="container mw-100">  
  53.                     <div class="row">  
  54.                         <div class="col-md-3"></div>  
  55.                         <div *ngIf="companies !=0" class="col-md-6">  
  56.                             <ul class="pagination justify-content-center">  
  57.                                 <li class="page-item">  
  58.                                     <a (click)="showPrevCompanies()"    
  59. [ngClass]="(paginationService.showNoOfCurrentPage ==1)?'notAllowed':'page-link'"    
  60. style="margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 20px;cursor: pointer;">Prev</a>  
  61.                                 </li>  
  62.                                 <li *ngFor="let page of pageField;let i=index" class="page-item">  
  63.                                     <a (click)="showCompaniesByPageNumber(page,i)" [ngClass]="pageNumber[i] ? 'pageColor':'page-link'"    
  64. style=" margin-right: 5px;;margin-top: 5px;cursor: pointer;">{{page}}</a>  
  65.                                 </li>  
  66.                                 <li class="page-item">  
  67.                                     <a (click)="showNextCompanies()"    
  68. [ngClass]="(paginationService.disabledNextBtn)?'notAllowed':'page-link'"    
  69. style="margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 20px; cursor: pointer;">Next</a>  
  70.                                 </li>  
  71.                             </ul>  
  72.                             <div style="text-align: center;">    
  73. Page {{currentPage}} of Total page {{paginationService.exactPageList}}    
  74. </div>  
  75.                         </div>  
  76.                     </div>  
  77.                 </div>  
  78.             </div>  
  79.         </div>  
  80.     </div>  
  81. </div>    
Step 2
Some changes in css file -- so just replace this code with pagination.component.css file.
  1. @charset "utf-8";  
  2. /* CSS Document */  
  3. @media all {  
  4.     *{  
  5.         padding0 px;margin0 px;  
  6.     }  
  7.     div {  
  8.         vertical - align: top;  
  9.     }  
  10.     img {  
  11.         max - width100 % ;  
  12.     }  
  13.     html {  
  14.         -webkit - font - smoothing: antialiased; - moz - osx - font - smoothing: grayscale;  
  15.     }  
  16.     body {  
  17.         overflowauto!important;width100 % !important;  
  18.     }  
  19.     html, body {  
  20.         background - color#e4e5e6;  
  21.     }  
  22.     html {  
  23.         positionrelative;min - height100 % ;  
  24.     }.card {  
  25.         border - radius: 4 px;  
  26.     }.card - header: first - child {  
  27.         border - radius: 4 px 4 px 0 px 0 px;  
  28.     }  
  29.     /*Typekit*/  
  30.     html, body {  
  31.         font - family: 'Roboto', sans - serif;  
  32.         font - weight: 400;  
  33.         font - size13 px;  
  34.     }  
  35.     body {  
  36.         padding - top: 52 px;  
  37.     }  
  38.     p {  
  39.         font - family: 'Roboto', sans - serif;  
  40.         color#303030font-weight:400margin-bottom:1rem;}    
  41. input, textarea, select{font-family:'Roboto'sans-serif;}    
  42. h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-family:'Roboto'sans-seriffont-weight:700;}    
  43. h1{font-size:20pxcolor:# 000000;  
  44.         margin - bottom: 10 px;  
  45.     }  
  46.     h2 {  
  47.         font - size30 px;  
  48.     }  
  49.     h3 {  
  50.         font - size24 px;  
  51.     }  
  52.     h4 {  
  53.         font - size18 px;  
  54.     }  
  55.     h5 {  
  56.         font - size14 px;  
  57.     }  
  58.     h6 {  
  59.         font - size12 px;  
  60.     }.row {  
  61.         margin - right: -8 px;  
  62.         margin - left: -8 px;  
  63.     }.col, .col - 1, .col - 10, .col - 11, .col - 12, .col - 2, .col - 3, .col - 4, .col - 5, .col - 6, .col - 7, .col - 8, .col - 9, .col - auto, .col - lg, .col - lg - 1, .col - lg - 10, .col - lg - 11, .col - lg - 12, .col - lg - 2, .col - lg - 3, .col - lg - 4, .col - lg - 5, .col - lg - 6, .col - lg - 7, .col - lg - 8, .col - lg - 9, .col - lg - auto, .col - md, .col - md - 1, .col - md - 10, .col - md - 11, .col - md - 12, .col - md - 2, .col - md - 3, .col - md - 4, .col - md - 5, .col - md - 6, .col - md - 7, .col - md - 8, .col - md - 9, .col - md - auto, .col - sm, .col - sm - 1, .col - sm - 10, .col - sm - 11, .col - sm - 12, .col - sm - 2, .col - sm - 3, .col - sm - 4, .col - sm - 5, .col - sm - 6, .col - sm - 7, .col - sm - 8, .col - sm - 9, .col - sm - auto, .col - xl, .col - xl - 1, .col - xl - 10, .col - xl - 11, .col - xl - 12, .col - xl - 2, .col - xl - 3, .col - xl - 4, .col - xl - 5, .col - xl - 6, .col - xl - 7, .col - xl - 8, .col - xl - 9, .col - xl - auto {  
  64.             padding - right: 8 px;  
  65.             padding - left: 8 px;  
  66.         }.card - header {  
  67.             background - color#f0f3f5;  
  68.             border - bottom: 1 px solid #c8ced3;  
  69.             font - size13 px;  
  70.             font - weight: 600;  
  71.             color#464646text-transform:uppercasepadding:.75rem 8px;}    
  72. .cnstr-record th{white-space:nowrap;padding:.45rem .2rem; font-size:13pxborder-bottom-width:0px!important;}    
  73. .cnstr-record thead{background:# f0f3f5;  
  74.         }.cnstr - record.form - control {  
  75.             font - size13 px;  
  76.             padding0 px 0 rem 0 px 0.2 rem;  
  77.             height: calc(2 rem + 2 px);  
  78.         }.cnstr - record select.form - control {  
  79.             padding - left: .05 rem;  
  80.         }.cnstr - record.table td, .cnstr - record.table th {  
  81.             vertical - align: middle;  
  82.         }.cnstr - record.table td {  
  83.             padding: .3 rem;  
  84.         }.cnstr - record.table td h4 {  
  85.             margin0 px;  
  86.         }.wp - 50 {  
  87.             width50 px;  
  88.         }.wp - 60 {  
  89.             width60 px;  
  90.         }.wp - 70 {  
  91.             width70 px;  
  92.         }.wp - 80 {  
  93.             width80 px;  
  94.         }.wp - 90 {  
  95.             width90 px;  
  96.         }.wp - 100 {  
  97.             width100 px;  
  98.         }.mw - auto {  
  99.             min - width: inherit;  
  100.         }.expand - row {  
  101.             width100 % ;bordersolid 1 px #596269display:inline-block; border-radius:3pxwidth:16pxheight:16pxvertical-align:topbackground:# 596269;color#ffffff!important;  
  102.         }.expand - row img {  
  103.             vertical - align: top;  
  104.             positionrelative;  
  105.             top: 2 px;  
  106.         }.sub - table th {  
  107.             font - weight: 400;  
  108.             font - size12 px;  
  109.         }.sub - table td {  
  110.             background#efefef;  
  111.         }.no - bg td {  
  112.             background: inherit;  
  113.         }.mw - 100 {  
  114.             max - width100 % ;  
  115.         }.activeTabColor {  
  116.             color#fff;  
  117.             background - color#000000;    
  118.             }    
  119.        .page-item:first-child .page-link {    
  120.             margin-left0;    
  121.             border-top-left-radius: .25rem;    
  122.             border-bottom-left-radius: .25rem;    
  123.             }    
  125.       .pageColor{    
  126.             positionrelative;    
  127.             displayblock;    
  128.             padding: .5rem .75rem;    
  129.             margin-left-1px;    
  130.             line-height1.25;    
  131.             colorwhite!important;    
  132.             background-colorblack!important;    
  133.             border1px solid # dee2e6;  
  134.         }.notAllowed {  
  135.             positionrelative;  
  136.             displayblock;  
  137.             padding: .5 rem .75 rem;  
  138.             margin - left: -1 px;  
  139.             line - height1.25;  
  140.             color#007bff;    
  141.             background-color: # fff;  
  142.             border1 px solid #dee2e6;  
  143.             cursor: not - allowed;  
  144.         }.page - link {  
  145.             positionrelative;  
  146.             displayblock;  
  147.             padding: .5 rem .75 rem;  
  148.             margin - left: -1 px;  
  149.             line - height1.25;  
  150.             color#007bff;    
  151.             background-color: # fff;  
  152.             border1 px solid #dee2e6;  
  153.         }.mr - 2 {  
  154.             background - color#007bff;    
  155.             colorwhite!important;    
  156.             margin5px;    
  157.             padding5px;    
  158.             cursorpointer;    
  159.             }    
  160.       .active{    
  161.             background-colorblack;    
  162.             colorwhite!important;    
  163.             margin5px;    
  164.             padding5px;    
  165.             cursorpointer;    
  166.          }    
  168. }    
Step 3
Copy the below code and replace it with pagination.component.ts file.
  1. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';  
  2. import { ApiService } from './api.service';  
  3. import { PaginationService } from './pagination.service';  
  4. import { CompaniesPerPage } from './CompaniesPerPage';  
  6. @Component({  
  7.   selector: 'app-pagination',  
  8.   templateUrl: './pagination.component.html',  
  9.   styleUrls: ['./pagination.component.css']  
  10. })  
  11. export class PaginationComponent implements OnInit {  
  13.   companies = [];  
  14.   pageNo: any = 1;  
  15.   pageNumber: boolean[] = [];  
  16.   sortOrder: any = 'CompanyName';  
  18.   //Pagination Variables  
  19.   //Page Row variables  
  20.   smallPageRow: boolean = true;  
  21.   mediumPageRow: boolean = false;  
  22.   largePageRow: boolean = false;  
  24.   small = CompaniesPerPage.small;  
  25.   medium = CompaniesPerPage.medium;  
  26.   large = CompaniesPerPage.large;  
  28.   pageField = [];  
  29.   exactPageList: any;  
  30.   paginationData: number;  
  31.   companiesPerPage: any = CompaniesPerPage.small;;  
  32.   totalCompanies: any;  
  33.   totalCompaniesCount: any;  
  34.   currentPage = 1;  
  36.   constructor(public service: ApiService, public paginationService: PaginationService) { }  
  38.   ngOnInit() {  
  39.     this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  40.     this.paginationService.temppage = 0;  
  41.     this.getAllCompanies();  
  42.   }  
  43.   getAllCompanies() {  
  44.     this.service.getAllCompanies(this.pageNo, this.companiesPerPage, this.sortOrder).subscribe((data: any) => {  
  45.       this.companies = data;  
  46.       this.getAllCompaniesCount();  
  47.     })  
  48.   }  
  49.   getAllCompaniesCount() {  
  50.     this.service.getAllCompaniesCount().subscribe((res: any) => {  
  51.       this.totalCompaniesCount = res;  
  52.       this.totalNoOfPages();  
  53.     })  
  54.   }  
  56.   //Method For Pagination  
  57.   totalNoOfPages() {  
  59.     this.paginationData = Number(this.totalCompaniesCount / this.companiesPerPage);  
  60.     let tempPageData = this.paginationData.toFixed();  
  61.     if (Number(tempPageData) < this.paginationData) {  
  62.       this.exactPageList = Number(tempPageData) + 1;  
  63.       this.paginationService.exactPageList = this.exactPageList;  
  64.     } else {  
  65.       this.exactPageList = Number(tempPageData);  
  66.       this.paginationService.exactPageList = this.exactPageList  
  67.     }  
  68.     this.paginationService.pageOnLoad();  
  69.     this.pageField = this.paginationService.pageField;  
  71.   }  
  72.   showCompaniesByPageNumber(page, i) {  
  73.     this.companies = [];  
  74.     this.pageNumber = [];  
  75.     this.pageNumber[i] = true;  
  76.     this.pageNo = page;  
  77.     this.currentPage =page;  
  78.     this.getAllCompanies();  
  79.   }  
  81.   //Pagination Start  
  83.   showPrevCompanies() {  
  85.     if (this.paginationService.showNoOfCurrentPage != 1) {  
  86.       this.paginationService.prevCompanies();  
  87.       this.pageNumber = [];  
  88.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  89.       this.currentPage = this.paginationService.pageField[0];  
  90.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  91.     }  
  93.   }  
  95.   showNextCompanies() {  
  97.     if (this.paginationService.disabledNextBtn == false) {  
  98.       this.pageNumber = [];  
  99.       this.paginationService.nextCompanies();  
  100.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  101.       this.currentPage = this.paginationService.pageField[0];  
  102.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  103.     }  
  104.   }  
  106.   setRecPerPage(noOfRec) {  
  108.     this.companies = [];  
  109.     this.pageNumber = [];  
  110.     this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  111.     this.paginationService.temppage = 0;  
  112.     if (noOfRec == CompaniesPerPage.small) {  
  113.       this.smallPageRow = true;  
  114.       this.mediumPageRow = false;  
  115.       this.largePageRow = false;  
  116.       this.companiesPerPage = noOfRec;  
  117.       this.currentPage = 1;  
  118.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  119.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  121.     }  
  122.     else if (noOfRec == CompaniesPerPage.medium) {  
  123.       this.smallPageRow = false;  
  124.       this.mediumPageRow = true;  
  125.       this.largePageRow = false;  
  126.       this.companiesPerPage = noOfRec;  
  127.       this.currentPage = 1;  
  128.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  129.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  131.     } else {  
  132.       this.smallPageRow = false;  
  133.       this.mediumPageRow = false;  
  134.       this.largePageRow = true;  
  135.       this.companiesPerPage = noOfRec;  
  136.       this.currentPage = 1;  
  137.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  138.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  140.     }  
  141.     //this.pageSize = page;  
  142.   }  
  143. }   
Step 4
For fetching records per page we are using enum class CompaniesPerPage.ts. Create a new class called CompaniesPerPage.ts and paste the below code.
  1. export enum CompaniesPerPage {  
  2. small = 5,  
  3. medium = 10,  
  4. large= 15,  
  5. displayNoOfPagesPerPage=10  
  6. }  
Step 5
For getiing records from server a service must be called to connect it with our web api so just copy the below code and paste it in Api.service.ts file.
  1. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';  
  2. import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';  
  3. import { Observable } from 'rxjs';  
  5. @Injectable({  
  6.    providedIn: 'root'  
  7.    })  
  8.    export class ApiService {  
  9.    private url = "";  
  11.    constructor(public http: HttpClient) {  
  12. }  
  14. getAllCompanies(pageNo,pageSize,sortOrder): Observable<any> {  
  15.    this.url = 'http://localhost:59390/api/Pagination/getAllCompanies?pageNo=' + pageNo+'&pageSize='+pageSize+'&sortOrder='+sortOrder;  
  16.    return this.http.get(this.url);  
  17. }  
  19. getAllCompaniesCount(): Observable<any> {  
  20.    this.url = 'http://localhost:59390/api/Pagination/getAllCompaniesCount';  
  21.    return this.http.get(this.url);  
  22.    }  
  23. }  
Step 6
This is the most important file as I have separated the logic for pagination logic so that it would be very easy to reuse the same code rather than writing it every time.
So copy this below code and replace it with pagination.service.ts file.
  1. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';  
  2. import { CompaniesPerPage } from './CompaniesPerPage';  
  4. @Injectable()  
  6. export class PaginationService {  
  7.     //Pagination Variables  
  9.     pageNumberPerPage = 0;  
  10.     pageNumberShow = CompaniesPerPage.displayNoOfPagesPerPage;  
  11.     temppage: number = 0;  
  12.     disabledNextBtn: boolean;  
  13.     disabledPrevBtn: boolean = true;  
  14.     pageField = [];  
  15.     exactPageList: any;  
  16.     prevtrue: boolean;  
  17.     nexttrue: boolean;  
  18.     currentPage = 1;  
  19.     pageNumber: boolean[] = [];  
  20.     showNoOfCurrentPage: any = 1;  
  21.     showPageOnlyOntabsChange: boolean = true;  
  22.     lastPage: any = 0;  
  24.     constructor() {  
  25.     }  
  27.     // On page load   
  28.     pageOnLoad() {  
  29.         if (this.temppage == 0 ) {  
  31.             this.pageField = [];  
  32.             for (var a = 0; a < this.pageNumberShow; a++) {  
  33.                 this.pageField[a] = this.temppage + 1;  
  34.                 this.temppage = this.temppage + 1;  
  35.                 if (this.exactPageList == this.pageField[a]) {  
  36.                     for (var b = 0; b < this.pageNumberShow - 7; b++) {  
  37.                         if (a == b) {  
  38.                             this.temppage = this.temppage - (b + 1);  
  39.                             this.prevtrue = false;  
  40.                             break;  
  41.                         }  
  42.                     }  
  43.                     this.disabledNextBtn = true;  
  44.                     break;  
  45.                 } else {  
  46.                     this.disabledNextBtn = false;  
  47.                 }  
  48.             }  
  49.         }  
  50.     }  
  52.     prevCompanies() {  
  54.         this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  55.         this.nexttrue = true;  
  56.         if (this.showNoOfCurrentPage != 1) {  
  57.             this.disabledNextBtn = false;  
  58.             this.showNoOfCurrentPage = this.showNoOfCurrentPage - 1;  
  59.             if (this.prevtrue) {  
  60.                 if (this.lastPage == 0) {  
  61.                     this.temppage = this.temppage - 10;  
  62.                     this.prevtrue = false;  
  63.                 } else {  
  64.                     this.temppage = this.lastPage ;  
  65.                     this.nexttrue =false;  
  66.                     this.prevtrue = false;  
  67.                     this.lastPage = 0;  
  68.                 }  
  69.             }  
  70.             for (var a = this.pageNumberShow - 1; a >= 0; a--) {  
  71.                 this.pageField[a] = this.temppage;  
  72.                 this.temppage = this.temppage - 1;  
  73.             }  
  74.             if (this.temppage == 0) {  
  75.                 this.showPageOnlyOntabsChange = false;  
  76.             }  
  77.             this.currentPage = this.pageField[0];  
  78.         }  
  79.     }  
  81.     nextCompanies() {  
  83.         if (this.disabledNextBtn == false) {  
  84.             this.disabledPrevBtn = false;  
  85.             this.pageField = [];  
  86.             this.prevtrue = true;  
  87.             this.showNoOfCurrentPage = this.showNoOfCurrentPage + 1;  
  88.             this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  89.             if (this.nexttrue) {  
  90.                 this.temppage = this.temppage + 10;  
  91.                 this.nexttrue = false;  
  92.             }  
  93.             for (var a = 0; a < this.pageNumberShow; a++) {  
  94.                 this.pageField[a] = this.temppage + 1;  
  95.                 this.temppage = this.temppage + 1;  
  96.                 if (this.exactPageList == this.pageField[a]) {  
  97.                     this.lastPage = this.pageField[a];  
  98.                     this.lastPage = this.lastPage - (a + 1);  
  99.                     for (var b = 0; b < this.pageNumberShow - 7; b++) {  
  100.                         if (a == b) {  
  101.                             this.temppage = this.temppage - (b + 1);  
  103.                             //this.prevtrue = false;  
  104.                             break;  
  105.                         }  
  106.                     }  
  107.                     this.disabledNextBtn = true;  
  108.                     break;  
  109.                 } else {  
  110.                     this.disabledNextBtn = false;  
  111.                 }  
  112.             }  
  113.             this.currentPage = this.pageField[0];  
  114.         }  
  115.     }  
  117. }  
With the above steps, our coding part is done, and now it's time to check the output by using the command ng serve -o.
Here in the below images, we can see that the total number of records are 60 but we are displaying only 5 records and 60/5 =12 so total is 12-page buttons
Here is how the logic works,
Server Side Pagination Using ASP.NET Core And Angular 8
Server Side Pagination Using ASP.NET Core And Angular 8


In this article, I have tried to explain how to display a selected number of records per page and next, previous buttons using server-side pagination in Angular 8 and Web API.
This is part 2 of the server-side pagination series. 
In my next article of this series, we will learn how to fetch data by clicking on the header and display it in paging.
For any questions about this article regarding code or anything else,  please leave a comment.

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