Hey! In this article, we will see the sentiment analysis using Python
What is Sentiment Analysis?
The process of computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to determine whether the writer's attitude towards a particular topic is positive, negative, or neutral.
For this, we will use python’s Textblob Library.
Firstly, install textblob library using “pip install textblob”
![Sentiment Analysis using Python]()
Subjectivity and polarity are the two factors that Textblob will function with.
1) If a sentence has a high subjectivity score, which is near to 1, it suggests that the text contains more personal opinion than factual information. The subjectivity score ranges from 0 to 1, indicating the quantity of personal opinion.
2) The polarity score ranges from (-1) to (1), where (1) indicates the most positive terms, such as "great" and "best," and (-1) identifies the most negative words, such as "disgusting" and "terrible."
Now lets use it!
# Sentiment Analysis
# using or importing textblob
from textblob import TextBlob
text = input("Enter the text you want to analyze\n")
obj = TextBlob(text) # textblob sentence to get polarity
sentiment, subjectivity = obj.sentiment # get sentiments
print(obj.sentiment) #print(sentiment, subjectivity)
if sentiment == 0:
print('The text is neutral')
elif sentiment > 0:
print('The text is positive')
print('The text is negative')
The Text is Positive
![Sentiment Analysis using Python]()
The Text is Negative
![Sentiment Analysis using Python]()
The Text is Neutral
![Sentiment Analysis using Python]()
The Textblob is giving the sentiement analysis based on polarity and subjectivity score.