Send reminders for defualt approval action - Power Automate

In the SharePoint designer approval process action - there was a facility to send an auto reminder after specific days. Now we have moved to Power Automate, and are using default approval action - there is no default configuration available to send reminders. That's what we are going to look at in this video article.
  • Approaches (found out from people around the globe)Create a Parallel action to Approval action – Add delay action – Check the status of Item – and send Outlook email again
    Create a Parallel action to Approval action – Call another FLOW, this flow has wait action, check the status of Item and send outlook email
  • With both of these approaches – we are sending normal email notifications. NOT the approval action notification from where user can act.
  • My Approach – Use Do Until
    If the specified time has passed then we will cancel current approval action and initiate new action